Naming Conventions

  • Is there an industry standard naming convention for SQL Server objects?

    I've looked at various articles on this subject and they all have slightly different formats.

    I personally use:

    tbl for tables e.g. tblCustomer

    usp for stored procedures e.g. usp_StoredProcedure

    udf for functions e.g. udf_Function

    When naming fields I tend to use the capitalisation method (FieldName) over the underscore method (Field_Name). The disadvantage of the capitalisation method is that it is hard to read when the authors of SQL scripts don't bother capitalising the field names. The main reason I don't use the underscore method is that it can take longer to type (more characters to type). You may laugh at this reason but it does make a difference.

  • We all seem to have our own Naming Standards that we have developed over time. Have a look at this article as its close to my standards but has some additional good features..

    If it aint broke don't fix it!


  • Part 2 of it

    My Blog:

  • No real stadnards and MS changes theirs over time as well. I'd pick something (mine or some others) and stick with it.

    Steve Jones

    The Best of SQL Server 2002 -

  • The wonderful thing about standards is that everyone has different ones.

    I'm glad that we are not forced to use them.

    Dr. Peter Venkman: Generally you don't see that kind of behavior in a major appliance.


    Quand on parle du loup, on en voit la queue

  • Yes, I've seen everything under the sun too. I still like what I was told to use when I started my current, very long term project:

    t_ for tables (fyi - table names should be singular as plurality is implied, e.g., t_table not t_tables)

    v_ for views

    p_ for stored procs

    tI_, tU_, tD_, tIU_, tIUD_... for triggers

    I tend to use underscores for readability. I also follow the convention I learned to end the field names with a type indicator. For example, _cd, _num, _id.

    My best advice would be to try and come up with a standard and then have your company buy into it so that everyone follows it going forward. If it's just you, then buyin shouldn't be too difficult.

  • Naming convention depends on the aspect, the way you "see" your objects through your code.

    If you have an IDE that doesn't differentiate between table, view, sp, function, you have to use prefixes to see what objects are used in the code.

    I use a lot of TSQL and I personally don't need tbl prefix for table. It is obvious from the code that after FROM comes the table name. I do prefix views (vw_*) to distingush between tables and views since they can be used in the same way. I don't prefix stored procedures or UDF since it is obvius from the code what kind of an objet it is. I too don't like to type too much. And from name formating (capitals) I can determine if it is a field, table, ...

    As mentioned before, think of something practical, write it down and stick with it.

  • Personally, I prefer to use suffixes: _TB, _VW, etc.

  • Hmm, just a thought:

    What is the logical difference between data in a table and in a view? Why do you need to know that they are physically stored differently? What if you decide for performance to convert a view into a table, would the table then be prefixed with 'v' or 'vw_' to keep backward compatibility? Or rather a view called 'tbl_*' or 'tbl*'?

    In alot of cases, why prefix them at all? To avoid proper documentation of your objects or is it just an old tradition from a programming language you like? If you already know that your object is a user defined function (you must know because otherwise you can't use it) why prepend it with 'usp_*'?

    Please shed light on my curiosity people

    Regards, Hans!

  • Let me throw in something from the lighter side of life. Get a cup of coffee, sit back, relax and read this excerpt from a post from Joe Celko (yes, who else dares to say this in such a direct manner) to the MS newsgroups


    When we lived in caves, ate our young and wrote in FORTRAN I and II and

    BASIC, we *had* to prefix variables with datatype information for the

    simple compilers available back then to work. In FORTRAN, any name that

    began with 'I' thru 'N' was an INteger and everything else was floating

    point. In BASIC, any name that began with "$" was a string.

    Flash forward to modern languages. They are most abstract and less

    focused on the PHYSICAL implementations. Some languages are weakly

    typed -- that is, a name can change data types during program execution

    -- and some are strongly typed -- that is, a variable or other

    structures keeps the same datatype and changes only values.

    People who write in weakly typed languages often put a prefix or postfix

    on names to tell them what the original data type was in case they screw

    up and cause a change they did not mean to cause.

    Old joke about weak data types:

    Teacher: "Billy, what is 6 times 9?"

    Billy: "ahhh, red?"

    Teacher: "NO! , Sally, what is 6 times 9?"

    Sally: "Thursday?"

    Teacher: "NO! Tommy, what is 6 times 9?"

    Tommy: "54."

    Teacher: "Right! Now tell the class how you ngot the answer."

    Tommy: "I divided red by Thursday!"


    This also violates the ISO-11179 Standards for metadata. The basic idea

    is that a data element is named for what it means in the data model. It

    is NOT named for WHERE it is used (i.e. no table name affixes in column

    names). It is NOT named for HOW it is used (i.e. no "pk" or "fk"

    affixes ). It is NOT named for it physical representation (i.e. no data

    type affixes).

    A data definition shall:

    a) be unique (within any data dictionary in which it appears)

    b) be stated in the singular

    c) state what the concept is, not only what it is not

    d) be stated as a descriptive phrase or sentence(s)

    e) contain only commonly understood abbreviations

    f) be expressed without embedding definitions of other data elements or

    underlying concepts

    Name development begins at the conceptual level. An object class

    represents an idea, abstraction or thing in the real world, such as tree

    or country. A property is something that describes all objects in the

    class, such as height or identifier. This lets us form terms such as

    "tree height" or "country identifier" from the combination of the class

    and the property.

    The level in the process is the logical level. A complete logical data

    element must include a form of representation for the values in its data

    value domain (the set of possible valid values of a data element). The

    representation term describes the data element's representation class.

    The representation class is equivalent to the class word of the

    prime/class naming convention many data administrators are familiar

    with. This gets us to "tree height measure", "country identifier name"

    and "country identifier code" as possible data elements.

    There is a subtle difference between "identifier name" and "identifier

    code" and it might be so subtle that we do not want to model it. But we

    would need a rule to drop the property term in this case. The property

    would still exist as part of the inheritance structure of the data

    element, but it would not be part of the data element name.

    Some logical data elements can be considered generic elements if they

    are well-defined and are shared across organizations. Country names and

    country codes are well-defined in ISO Standard 3166, Codes for the

    Representation of Names of Countries, and you might simply reference

    this document.

    Note that this is the highest level at which true data elements, by the

    definition of ISO 11179, appear: they have an object class, a property,

    and a representation.

    The next is the application level. This is usually done with a

    quantifier which applies to the particular application. The quantifier

    will either subset the data value domain or add more restrictions to the

    definition so that we work with only those values needed in the


    For example, assume that we are using ISO 3166 country codes, but we are

    only interested in Europe. This would be a simple subset of the

    standard, but it will not change over time. However, the subset of

    countries with more than 20 cm of rain this year will vary greatly over


    Changes in the name to reflect this will be accomplished by addition of

    qualifier terms to the logical name. For example, if an application of

    Country name were to list all the countries a certain organization had

    trading agreements with, the application data element would be called

    Trading partner country name. The data value domain would consist of a

    subset of countries listed in ISO 3166. Note that the qualifier term

    trading partner is itself an object class. This relationship could be

    expressed in a hierarchical relationship in the data model.

    The physical name is the lowest level. These are the names which

    actually appear in the database table column headers, file descriptions,

    EDI transaction file layouts, and so forth. They may be abbreviations

    or use a limited character set because of software restrictions.

    However, they might also add information about their origin or format.

    In a registry, each of the data element names and name components, will

    always be paired with its context so that we know the source or usage of

    the name or name component. The goal is to be able to trace each data

    element from its source to wherever it is used, regardless of the name

    it appears under.

    I recommned that tables be given collective or plural names, since they

    are sets and not scalar. If the table has one and only one row, then

    use a singular name. UPPERCASE the keywords, capitalize schema objects

    (tables, views, procs, etc.) and lowercase scalars (variables, column

    names, etc.) Use underscores which make reading easy and are portable;

    do not use special characters like '#', '$', '[', ']', etc. which some

    SQL vendors allow.

    I like postfixes that tell me something about the semantics of scale

    used for the column, as per the above:

    "_id" = Identifier, it is unique in the schema and refer to one entity

    anywhere it appears in the schema. Never use "<table name>_id" ; that

    is a name based on location and tell you this is probably not a real key

    at all. Just plain "id" is too vague to be useful to anyone and will

    screw up your data dictionary when you have to find a zillion of them,

    all different,but with the same data element name (you do have one,

    don't you?).

    "_date" = date, temporal dimension.

    "_nbr" = tag number; do not use "_no" since it looks like the Boolean

    yes/no value

    "_name" = explain itself, nominal scale

    "_code" = expect to translate this for humans.

    "_total" = a sum, an aggregated dimension which is logically different

    from its parts.

    "_seq" = sequence, ordinal numbering.

    "_tally" = cardinal number. Also called an absolute scale.

    Then an application might have some special situations with units of

    measurement that need to shown on an attribute or dimension. And ALWAYS

    check to see if there is an ISO standard for a data element.



    Did I ever mention that I changed my mind and now really like this man



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Hi Frank!

    Nice text. At this end it is properly read, printed and started to be considered

    Regards, Hans!

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