Named Pipe Error After Change inHostName - SQL 2000

  • Hi,

    One of our SQL Server was migrated from old Hardware to New Hardware and during that time servername also got changed. Now we have created a DNS alias for old hostname to point to new hostname and we are able to connect still with old hostname to the new server using TCP/IP Protocol but when we try connecting through named pipe with old hostname it throws error. But when we try connecting with new hostname in namedpipe it works fine... Anyone has idea on how to resolve this issue?

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  • I'd start by running the "SQL Server Client Network Utility" (should be in Start menu) on both servers to see what protocols are enabled. Perhaps Named Pipes is off on the server you can't connect to.

    Also, is the service pack level identical on both servers?

    Another idea is to just force an update of DNS. Perhaps DNS is not updated yet.

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  • Hi,

    Old server is already retired. DNS is updated since it is almost one week since this server is live now... Also SP4 is there in both the servers..

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  • Do the following two select statements return the same name?

    SELECT @@servername


    That's about as much as I can help...

    0.175 seconds -- 10 year average margin of victory at the Daytona 500
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  • Hi,

    I had already done sp_drop.. sp_add and rebooted the server so that both of above commands are returning same new name.. 🙂

    Anyways thanks for your try.. Let me solve the issue and post the solution...

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  • Just to confirm have you specified the named pipes pipe correctly(pointing to the instance you want to connect)?


  • Hi Manu,

    No manu.. actually the aim is that there should not be any change in the application code or client that's why we create a CNAME Record in DNS to point OLD Hostname to NEW hostname.. so without any change this should work rite?

    It is working for TCP/IP Connections but not Named Pipe..

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  • Sakthi,

    I'm curious to know the resolution to this, as the CNAME alias is typcially part of my suggestions for failover, but I've never had the chance to experience a failover (and rarely had the privileges to test or change DNS).


    1) Just checking...This was posted in the "7,2000" forum. What SQL Server version are you using, 2000? I assume 2000 since you mentioned SP4...

    2) Are you able to connect by changing the default pipe name? ( change \\.\pipe\sql\query to something like \\.\pipe\MSSQL$instancename\sql\query)

    3) What is the error message when you try to connect? What tool are you connecting with?

    4) Possible ideas, even though it's for 2005:

    0.175 seconds -- 10 year average margin of victory at the Daytona 500
    212 Degrees

  • Hi,

    This is how it goes... When we create DNS alias of old hostname to point to new server, TCP/IP connections will work but not Named Pipe.. Although new server receives the request through named pipe, It will ignore the request. So we need to do a registry change as per Microsoft support and restart the server so that it will work.. Hope you got the solution... We are yet to do this since server requires reboot we need to do it during weekends...

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