Name of Primary Key columns on a table

  • Hi,

    I would like to know the way to identify the name of the primary key column(s) on a table (whether single column primary key or multi column primary key) programmatically in SQL Server (looking at something like sysobjects, syscolumns or whatever).

    Thanks in advance



  • i found this on this sites SCRIPTS area.. if this is not what you want you should check it out...

    Find Constraints on a table

    By: rubakuma

    This script would help find primary key, foriegn key, unique constraints,

     check constraints on a table. With slight modification you can use it to find various information about a table.  This Content Sponsored by:  

    select b.COLUMN_NAME

    from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.table_constraints a

    inner join INFORMATION_SCHEMA.key_column_usage b on




    where a.TABLE_CATALOG = '<db Name>'

    and a.TABLE_SCHEMA = '<owner Name'

    and a.TABLE_NAME = '<table Name>'

    and a.CONSTRAINT_TYPE = '<constraint Type>'

    order by b.ordinal_position


  • sp_help 'your table name here'

    Brings back all sorts of information on the table including the primary key.

  • Another way to list a database's all tables with the names of PK constraints:

    select  table_name,



    where   objectproperty( object_id( constraint_name ), 'IsPrimaryKey' ) = 1

    Note that the information_schema views only returns info on objects that the executing user has permissions on.

    Also note that all methods to find PK names only works if there are declared primary key constraints - it won't work if you have columns acting as PK's but perhaps only have an uinque index placed on them.


  • Try using sp_helpIndex.

    HTH Mike

    use Northwind


    EXEC sp_helpindex 'employees'



    LastName nonclustered located on PRIMARY LastName

    PK_Employees clustered, unique, primary key located on PRIMARY EmployeeID

    PostalCode nonclustered located on PRIMARY PostalCode


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