my query did not populate all dates

  • Hi, I am a beginner in sql server database. I inserted valus into calendar table for some time periods. but it didnot populate all dates .It does poputate until 6/28 only not 30 What is wrong in the query. Please advise me

    declare @datetime1 as datetime

    declare @datetime2 as datetime

    set @datetime1='07/01/2007'

    set @datetime2='06/30/2008'

    while(dateadd(d,1,@datetime1) <>@datetime2)


    insert into Calendar values(


    datepart(Year,@datetime1), --Year

    datepart(Month,@datetime1), --Month

    datepart(Week,@datetime1), --Week

    convert(nvarchar(10),datepart(year,@datetime1))+''+convert(nvarchar(10),datepart(Month,@datetime1)), --YearMonth

    Substring(datename(Month,@datetime1),1,3), --MonthName

    convert(nvarchar(10),datepart(year,@datetime1))+''+convert(nvarchar(10),datepart(Week,@datetime1)) ---Yearweek


    print dateadd(d,1,@datetime1)

    set @datetime1=dateadd(d,1,@datetime1)




  • Change the WHILE condition to:

    while(dateadd(d,1,@datetime1) <= @datetime2)

    You had it as <> which means does not equal and thats why the last date was not inserted, <= will insert while datetime1 is less then or equal to datetime2.

  • Hi,

    Still close. But it populates now until 2008-06-29 00:00:00.000 Not until 30th of june.

    Time and seconds makes any difference?



  • Remove the DateAdd from the WHILE

    while @datetime1 <= @datetime2

  • Perfect. I think the reason is we already set dateadd for datetime1.

    Thanks for your quick response.



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