My big problem after import TXT FILE into sql server

  • how can i do this ???


    evry 3 records

    to One

    between the asterisk(***)




    thnks ilan

  • Your image isn't appearing, but can you show a few rows of the table, like 4 or 5 and then what you want it to look like? Not sure where the asterisks come into play.

  • this is my table

    an like this i have 800000 records


    INIT/A1AH105, AI, 1.0, IV =  LATCHED, FM =     2, DG =      0, TB =    20, BB =     0, 

                            ED = '            aabbccdd', EU = '   PSI',

                            EV =   0.00000, CD =    74, HW =   000B6H, AP =    17, LC =     1, HL =   14.5000,


     INIT/A1AP022, AI, 1.0, IV =  LATCHED, FM =     1, DG =      0, TB =   150, BB =     0,

                            ED = 'vvnnssee, EU = '    °C',

                            EV =   0.00000, CD =    12, HW =   001A2H, AP =    17, LC =    41, HL =   105.000,


     INIT/A1AP023, AI, 1.0, IV =  LATCHED, FM =     1, DG =      0, TB =   150, BB =     0,

                            ED = 'qqeerrttA123', EU = '    °C',

                            EV =   0.00000, CD =    12, HW =   001A4H, AP =    17, LC =    41, HL =   105.000,


     INIT/A1AP123, AI, 1.0, IV =  LATCHED, FM =     0, DG =      0, TB =  1500, BB =     0,

     "                       ED = 'ghgjgjghjgh', EU = '  nnnnnhhfhf',"

                            EV =   0.00000, CD =    74, HW =   00038H, AP =    34, LC =    41, HL =   1000.00,



    and i only wont This selected filed like this

        INIT   |     ED          |      EU


    A1AP123 |ghgjgjghjgh   |  nnnnnhhfhf

    A1AP124 |bbbbbbbbbb   |  zxxczczczcz

    A1AP125|ddgdgfghfhh   |  nnnnnhhfhf

    A1AP126 |uiuiuiuoiuou   |  sdsfsdfdfdfd

  • this is my table

    any solution ????

  • You could always do it the old fashioned way: kluge

    Like, BCP the thing as each row being separate row into a work table with an identity column to sequentially number the rows as they appear in the source:


    rid   rtext

    1     INIT/A1AH105, AI, 1.0, IV =  LATCHED, FM =     2, DG =      0, TB =    20, BB =     0, 

    2                        ED = '            aabbccdd', EU = '   PSI',

    3                        EV =   0.00000, CD =    74, HW =   000B6H, AP =    17, LC =     1, HL =   14.5000,

    4 ***************

    5 INIT/A1AP022, AI, 1.0, IV =  LATCHED, FM =     1, DG =      0, TB =   150, BB =     0,

    6                      ED = 'vvnnssee, EU = '    °C',

    7                     EV =   0.00000, CD =    12, HW =   001A2H, AP =    17, LC =    41, HL =   105.000,

    8  ***************


    Then join and parse the strings to find the values:

    select a.rtext as line1, b.rtext as line2, c.rtext as line3

    from worktable a

          join worktable b on a.rid = b.rid - 1

          join worktable c on a.rid = c.rid - 2

    where a.rtext like "INIT/%"

    (See posts on string manipulation/pattern matching for parsing)


  • but how can i do this  ???


    1     INIT/A1AH105, AI, 1.0, IV =  LATCHED, FM =     2, DG =      0, TB =    20, BB =     0, 

    2                        ED = '            aabbccdd', EU = '   PSI',

    3                        EV =   0.00000, CD =    74, HW =   000B6H, AP =    17, LC =     1, HL =   14.5000,

    4 ***************

    5 INIT/A1AP022, AI, 1.0, IV =  LATCHED, FM =     1, DG =      0, TB =   150, BB =     0,

    6                      ED = 'vvnnssee, EU = '    °C',

    7                     EV =   0.00000, CD =    12, HW =   001A2H, AP =    17, LC =    41, HL =   105.000,

    8  ***************


    1.  PUT the RED rows into ONE row
    2. remove the asterisk(***)
    3. put the blue rows into ONE row
    4. remove the asterisk(***)
    5. ...........................................
    6. and  go on like this in the table for 800000 records
    7. and in the end i get it in a new table


    INIT   |     ED          |      EU


    A1AP123 |ghgjgjghjgh   |  nnnnnhhfhf

    A1AP124 |bbbbbbbbbb   |  zxxczczczcz

    A1AP125|ddgdgfghfhh   |  nnnnnhhfhf

    A1AP126 |uiuiuiuoiuou   |  sdsfsdfdfdfd



    thnks ilan

  • use the self join as shown to create a view of the imported table which has each row as a separate column.

    This self join view will look like this (3 string columns say varchar(80) )

    line1                           ... Line2                   ...   Line 3  

    INIT/A1AH105, AI, ...                    ED = '       ...                     EV =   0.00000...

    Now you have 1 record per row.  you can either spit this back out as a text file and suck it in again using DTS/BCP or parse these string fields while loading into the destination table.

    There are several articles on this site in how to use charindex, substring, etc.

  • can someone  help

    and show how to do it on my problematic Table

    at the moment the All the Records is in One Table in One Field

    thnks a loot


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