MVP GURU HELP NEEDED. Can''t resolve users to blocking due to setup.

  • Greetings and thanks for Reading my post.

    Our company recently rolled out an application that is mission critical.  It was supposedly best product in our industry but have had nothing but problems which I have mostly solved. 

    Here is the background - due to security flaws in the application (users must be dbo) we put the application on a Citrix farm which uses a DSN with a common SQL login to access the SQL Cluster (SQL Version 2000 Enter on Windows Advanced 2003).  That solves our security gaps.  But, the application, written in Clarion, is issuing all calls through ODBC and is using server side cursors.  So all I see in the input buffer and sp_blocker_pss80 is sp_cursorexecute and sp_cursorfetch. 

    So when I am trying to analye the head of the blocking chain I can not tell who the end user is (all the same user across the citrix farm) to call them tosee what they are doing, or what host it is coming from (all the citrix farm hosts) or even what they are executing (sp_cursor).  I tried going through sysprocesses to get the sql handle to use that to fn_get_sql, but all the handles from this user are the same (0x000000000000....).

    We can't replace the software, they spent a few million converting their legacy systems (I just came on board with this company).

    What am I missing that haven't tried?

    I am afraid my only hope is to go to NT auth and completely open up the security to the database to 300 users and 20 developers, then I could identify the users but the databases would get hosed.

    I am stuck my fellow DBAs.  The system blocks for about an hour a week and we've alreay lost about 150k because of this.

    I need your help.  Thanks in advance!!!!


  • Well I guess the application wasn't properly tested then ?

    mail me direct and I can send some routines/code you can use to at least isolate your problems - the stuff is far too big to actually post.

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]The GrumpyOldDBA[/font]

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