Mutually Exclusive NULL

  • I have a kind of peculiar requirement.

    If one field is null, the other field cannot be null and if the other field is null then the first field cannot be null.

    I tried to implement this using CHECK constraint and it does not seem to work. Any ideas?

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  • should work like this :

    create table t_muteNULL (col1 int identity (1,1) not null, col2 varchar(128) , col3 varchar(128))


    alter table t_muteNULL

    add constraint chkMuteNULL check (case when col2 is null and col3 is null then 0 else 1 end = 1)


    insert into t_muteNULL (col2, col3) values ('a', null) -- OK


    insert into t_muteNULL (col2, col3) values (null, 'b') -- OK


    insert into t_muteNULL (col2, col3) values (null, null) -- error


    -- now some updates ...

    update t_muteNULL set col2 = null , col3 = 'c' where col1 = 1 -- OK


    update t_muteNULL set col3 = null  where col1 = 1 -- error



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  • If it is XOR you are after, you could modify alzdba constriant to:

    alter table t_muteNULL

    add constraint chkMuteNULL check ((case when col2 is null then 1 else 0 end) ^ (case when col3 is null then 1 else 0 end) = 1)

    ie, One of the columns has to be null, but not both.


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  • Thanks a lot for both replies.

    Actually both replies helped me in different places. Thanks.

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