'Must declare the scalar variable' error msg.

  • I have a simple query, however I am failing to understand the issue in my statement and getting below error:

    SQL Statement: select @V_Cnt=count(0) from information_schema.tables

    Msg 137, Level 15, State 1, Line 15

    Must declare the scalar variable "@V_Cnt".

    Count: 0

    My Query is:

    declare @V_Cntint=0;
    declare @V_sqlNVARCHAR(MAX);
    declare @Printnvarchar(1)='E'; -- P for Print and E for Exec

    set @V_sql = N'select @V_Cnt=count(0) from information_schema.tables';
    print 'SQL Statement: '+@V_sql;
    if (@Print = 'P') Print(@V_sql) else if(@Print = 'E') exec (@V_sql);
    Print 'Count: '+cast(@V_Cnt as nvarchar);

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by  nayg.
  • Your issue is that you are using a variable inside the dynamic SQL that is declared outside the dynamic SQL.  For this you will need to use sp_executesql

    This change will get the results that you are looking for

    DECLARE @V_Cnt int = 0;
    DECLARE @V_sql nvarchar(MAX);
    DECLARE @Print nvarchar(1) = N'E'; -- P for Print and E for Exec

    SET @V_sql = N'select @V_Cnt=count(0) from information_schema.tables';

    PRINT 'SQL Statement: ' + @V_sql;

    IF ( @Print = 'P' )
    PRINT ( @V_sql );
    ELSE IF ( @Print = 'E' )
    EXEC sys.sp_executesql @stmt = @V_sql
    , @params = N'@V_Cnt int OUTPUT'
    , @V_Cnt = @V_Cnt OUTPUT;

    PRINT 'Count: ' + CAST(@V_Cnt AS nvarchar);
  • To add to what DesNorton noted, local variables only exist in a certain scope of this batch. Moving to some other batch, even inside a stored procedure, puts local variables outside of scope. To make your code work, you would need to

    set @V_sql = N'declare @V_Cnt int; select @V_Cnt=count(0) from information_schema.tables';
    print 'SQL Statement: '+@V_sql;

    However, the value from the internal V_Cnt variable inside the string from EXEC would not be in scope in the calling batch. sp_executesql sends a copy to the inner batch and then returns it back.

  • Got it.

    Thank you.

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