Multiple Text Fields

  • I have inherited a database with a table which stores XML in two text fields in the same table; 1 field is populated if there is no error in the data and the other field is populated if there is error data.

    What about this design?  Should I separate the table with two text fields into separate tables?

  • What's the size of the fields?

    What's the size of the table (100 millions of rows of much smaller)?

    Is is something like toggle field, (always 1 field filled but never both nor neither)?

    Why do you store xml in a table (that one is always beyond me... never seen a situation where there's no other way around that)?

  • Small table, fewer than 100 rows.  Yes a toggle situation; 1 or other of the fields is populated, depeneding on error condition or not.

  • BTW you didn't answer why you are inserting xml in the db..

    I think I would go with a design similar to this one :

    Create table a

    ( PK int not null identity(1,1) primary key

    , DescXML varchar(8000) not null

    , HasErrors bit not null default(0)



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