Multiple TDE Certificates on Same Instance

  • Morning Guys,

    This , I think should be an easy question but I cant find an answer online! My google-fu must be bad.

    I have multiple databases hostes on different servers, each with their own different tde certificate.

    I now need to restore these onto the same instance, side by side.

    Is it possible to have multiple tde certificates per instance?

    If so, do I just create it from a backup as I normally would if it were a fresh install?


  • alex.sqldba - Thursday, March 29, 2018 1:12 AM

    Morning Guys,

    This , I think should be an easy question but I cant find an answer online! My google-fu must be bad.

    I have multiple databases hostes on different servers, each with their own different tde certificate.

    I now need to restore these onto the same instance, side by side.

    Is it possible to have multiple tde certificates per instance?


    alex.sqldba - Thursday, March 29, 2018 1:12 AM

    If so, do I just create it from a backup as I normally would if it were a fresh install?


    you need to create each cert from a backup file into the master database on the target instance


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • As Perry mentioned, you can. The certs are the same as any other cert. Each needs a unique name, but you can have multiple certs in master. When you restore or open the TDE db, it just needs to find the cert with the proper thumbprint.

  • hi Steve, when restore tde enabled backup to the dest instance, say there are multiple tde certificates on the dest instance. Do I need to specify which certificate to be used to restore the tde enabled backup?



  • Yes. I save the certificates in the backup folder for the specific database in a 'cert' folder. When You restore you create the cert from the file and then run the restore

  • You don't need to specify the cert. The backup file contains information about the certificate that was used to perform the encryption. This certificate needs to be created on the instance already. Then the restore will look for the cert and perform the decryption.

    It doesn't matter what's in the file system. The cert needs to be created in SQL Server.

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