Multiple parameter selection

  • I have a devleoped a report and now need to sort by several parameters.

    From date/To date; purchase order, item #, or item # & vendor.  Being neew to SQL I am not sure how to accomplish this feat.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.




  • Not sure what you mean by sort by parameters,

    But I am assuming you want to sort by fields in your report.

    Have you tried to look at the properties of your Grid, or Matrix?

    Right click on grid/matrix, select properties.

    Click the sorting tab, select the fields you want to sort on.

  • You could have a list of the columns that you would like to sort on and then write an expression in the sort section of the report.

  • if you mean you want the person running the report to select how they want the results sorted, you can also let them pass that option as a parameter to a stored procedure for your data source.  give them a combo box with all your sorting options and then in your stored procedure decide how you want your results sorted.

    alternatively if you have a whack of different fields, then an easy out might just be to encourage users to export the report into excel and let them sort all they want however they want there.


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