Multiple Outer and Inner joins

  • I have a UDF I need to call twice. UDF name is dbo.ufn_splitToStringTable. I call the UDF to match the results based on inner join here.

    left outer JOIN PI_Common AS p ON p.accountID = a.accountID

    LEFT OUTER JOIN ABI_customerFlag ac on ac.abinum = a.abinum

    inner join dbo.ufn_splitToStringTable(@zipcodes) z on z.itemList = a.zipcode

    inner join dbo.ufn_splitToStringTable(@zipcodes1) z1 on z1.itemList = a.zipcode

    here @zipcodes, @zipcodes1 may or may not be empty.

    If @zipcodes is empty, matching should goto 2nd inner join,

    if @zipcodes1 is empty, matching should be in 1st inner join.

    If @zipcodes, @zipcodes1 are both not empty, matching should be done by calling the UDF both times.

    If I use one inner join I get the required results. If I use both these inner joins and set @zipcodes1 is empty, I get 0.

    I cannot modify the UDF so I have to find some way with joins here.

    So how to fix this issue? I mean I need the results matching the UDF. How can I have 2 inner joins and still get the results??

    Any ideas/suggestions welcome and appreciated!!!


    Vijeya Shobana

  • here i want to join a few tables and extract the results. The LEFT OUTER JOINS are used on PI_Common p , ABI_Customer ac and Account a tables. Now I have to filter the resulting records based on zipcodes.

    UDF ufn_splitToStringTable is used to split the zipcodes. @zipcodes, @zipcodes are set dynamically in the stored proc.

    If @zipcodes is empty, the 1st inner join should be skipped and results should be matched on @zipcodes1

    If @zipcodes1 is empty, the 2nd inner join should be skipped and results should be matched on @zipcodes.

    If @zipcodes, @zipcodes1 both exist, the inner joins should not be skipped and results should be matched on both @zipcodes and @zipcodes1.

    I don't see a best way for this problem, I am sure it should be very simple but right now, i'm missing it.

    Thanks & Regards

  • Are you sure that you want to return every item in @Zipcodes times every item in @Zipcodes1?

    It seems like what you really want is the UNION of those 2 lists, not their Product, which would also fix the empty list problems.

    [font="Times New Roman"]-- RBarryYoung[/font], [font="Times New Roman"] (302)375-0451[/font] blog:, Twitter: @RBarryYoung[font="Arial Black"]
    Proactive Performance Solutions, Inc.
    [font="Verdana"] "Performance is our middle name."[/font]

  • Oops, we crossed replies...

    [font="Times New Roman"]-- RBarryYoung[/font], [font="Times New Roman"] (302)375-0451[/font] blog:, Twitter: @RBarryYoung[font="Arial Black"]
    Proactive Performance Solutions, Inc.
    [font="Verdana"] "Performance is our middle name."[/font]

  • well yes. I need a UNION here. I had one inner join to get the desired result. Now due to some enhancements I have to do the matching twice, hence called UDF twice so I was thinking about using inner join twice.

    but how can i use Union here??? The full code is something like this...

    INSERT into @retList





    select distinct 'account' as source




    from AccountSearch AS a (nolock)

    left outer JOIN PI_Common AS p ON p.accountID = a.accountID

    LEFT OUTER JOIN GroupPurchasingOrganizations_PI gpo_p on gpo_p.piID = p.piID --CR 41493

    LEFT OUTER JOINIDN_PI idn_p on idn_p.piID = p.piID

    LEFT OUTER JOIN MHS_PI mhs_p on mhs_p.piID = p.piID

    LEFT OUTER JOIN BrandName brName on brName.BrandNameId = p.BrandNameId

    LEFT OUTER JOIN businessDivision b on p.businessdivisionid = b.businessdivisionid

    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.SalesRange AS sr ON p.estimate_salesRangeID = sr.salesRangeID

    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Task AS t ON t.taskID = p.taskID_last

    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Task AS t2 ON t2.taskID = p.taskID_next

    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.competitor_PI cp on cp.piID = p.piID

    LEFT OUTER JOIN ABI_customerFlag ac on ac.abinum = a.abinum --ac.accountid = a.accountid


    a.abinum = pr.abinum and pr.businessDivisionID = @businessdivisionID

    inner join dbo.ufn_splitToStringTable(@zipcodes) z on z.itemList = a.zipcode

    inner join dbo.ufn_splitToStringTable(@zipcodes1) z1 on z1.itemList = a.zipcode


    ....10 to 15 conditions...

    Though I need a UNION function I don't know where to put that here :w00t:. May be its very simple but I don't know.ooopppsssss.....

  • Like this:

    declare @businessdivisionID int

    declare @zipcodes varchar(999)

    declare @zipcodes1 varchar(999)

    INSERT into #@retList





    Select distinct 'account' as source




    From AccountSearch AS a (nolock)

    left outer JOIN PI_Common AS p ON p.accountID = a.accountID

    LEFT OUTER JOIN GroupPurchasingOrganizations_PI gpo_p on gpo_p.piID = p.piID --CR 41493

    LEFT OUTER JOIN IDN_PI idn_p on idn_p.piID = p.piID

    LEFT OUTER JOIN MHS_PI mhs_p on mhs_p.piID = p.piID

    LEFT OUTER JOIN BrandName brName on brName.BrandNameId = p.BrandNameId

    LEFT OUTER JOIN businessDivision b on p.businessdivisionid = b.businessdivisionid

    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.SalesRange AS sr ON p.estimate_salesRangeID = sr.salesRangeID

    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Task AS t ON t.taskID = p.taskID_last

    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Task AS t2 ON t2.taskID = p.taskID_next

    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.competitor_PI cp on cp.piID = p.piID

    LEFT OUTER JOIN ABI_customerFlag ac on ac.abinum = a.abinum --ac.accountid = a.accountid


    a.abinum = pr.abinum and pr.businessDivisionID = @businessdivisionID


    ( Select * from dbo.ufn_splitToStringTable(@zipcodes)

    UNION All

    Select * from dbo.ufn_splitToStringTable(@zipcodes1)) zu On zu.itemlist = a.zipcode


    [font="Times New Roman"]-- RBarryYoung[/font], [font="Times New Roman"] (302)375-0451[/font] blog:, Twitter: @RBarryYoung[font="Arial Black"]
    Proactive Performance Solutions, Inc.
    [font="Verdana"] "Performance is our middle name."[/font]

  • Thanks for your reply Barry. I tried it and yes, I got the required results 🙂 I'm using this particular query in at least 2 other functions and in dozen other places in this stored proc. So like I got a tip from another user, I'm placing this same UNION statement inside a table variable and calling that table variable every where I need to use this UNION. I tried that and that is working too. Thanks a lot for your help and patience Barry. I appreciate your help 🙂

    Thanks and regards

  • Glad I could help.

    [font="Times New Roman"]-- RBarryYoung[/font], [font="Times New Roman"] (302)375-0451[/font] blog:, Twitter: @RBarryYoung[font="Arial Black"]
    Proactive Performance Solutions, Inc.
    [font="Verdana"] "Performance is our middle name."[/font]

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