Multiple Mid functions

  • Hi,

    Apologies is this query is too specific for this forum, please point me in the right direction if that's the case.

    Below is an expression I am using to pull out the forename from a user ID i.e."text\[forename] [Surname]", at the moment this expression is suitable if " " is between the forename and surname. However, what i have noticed is that " " can be replaced by "." or "/" or "_" for example.

    The trouble I am having is including multiple "Mid" functions to include all these options. I have attempted using "Or", "Switch" and a number of other operators with no effect.

    Am I missing something obvious or have i missed the mark completely?

    Any help would be greatly aprpreciated.

    = "Hi " + Mid(Parameters!User.Value, InStr(Parameters!User.Value,"\")+1, (InStr(Parameters!User.Value, " ") - InStr(Parameters!User.Value, "\") - 1)) + "," &
    chr(10) & chr(13) &
    chr(10) & chr(13) &
    "You have access to the Teams listed below. Only data from these teams will be shown in any analysis. Please click above to continue to the Dashboards"

  • Do you have to do this with an expression? I ask, as it may be easier to return the parts in your dataset, rather than splitting them in the report. For example:

    WITH Users AS(
      SELECT *
      FROM (VALUES ('sabdbsdlkfbaskl f\Steve Jobs'),
    'sdiafgaskjdkjhobkjah\Bill/Gates')) V (UserID)),
    Names AS(
      SELECT U.UserID,
        RIGHT(U.UserID, CHARINDEX('\',REVERSE(U.UserID))-1) AS FullName
      FROM Users U)
    SELECT *,
       LEFT(FullName, PATINDEX('%[/ \._-]%',FullName)-1) AS FirstName,
       RIGHT(FullName, PATINDEX('%[/ \._-]%',REVERSE(FullName))-1) AS Surname
    FROM Names N;

    You don't need to do with a CTE, but just easier to see what it's doing, IMO.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Thank you for your reposnse, however my question is parameter based i.e. i don't actually have/need ( i've simply inputted SELECT 'fred' to avoid any errors).

    The UserID as a parameter is generated when a user enters the SSRS report and depending on their permissions, they will recieve the message "You have access.....". It's just that the UserID can include a / . _

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