Multiple IPs for TCP?

  • Hello,

    Anyone have experience using multiple IPs for a single server to listen to multiple ports for tcp?

    Basically what we want to do is set it up so that traffic that comes through the firewall using TCP goes to 1 port and inside traffic using TCP goes to the default port.

    I see in configuration manager under netwrok configuration/protoco;s for MSSQLSERVER/TCP/IP on the IP Addresses tab where you can give different ports to different IP but I'm not sure how to add IPs.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • You can't add IPs there. Those are IPs that the OS knows about and makes SQL aware of. You will have to add another IP to your NIC. Be careful though, two IPs in the same subnet may cause problems, it might be easier if they were on different subnets. But with the addition of another IP at the OS level SQL will be able to see it then.


  • Thanks Elliot,

    I just wasn't sure if I added it to the NIC if it would just automatically show up in CM. So no reboot is required to have this newly added IP visible in CM?

    Thanks again!

  • I don't think a reboot is required to change those kinds of network settings..


  • A reboot is required on the sql side for the change to take effect. Just hoping that we can get it all configure i.e. the IP shows up in CM without one so that we'll be good to go for a scheduled maintenance reboot this weekend.

    Thanks again for your assistance!


  • Sorry, never used the term reboot for anything but the machine..


  • right, restart.

  • OK. So my network admin added an ip to the NIC on the sql server but the new IP is not showing up in configuration manager.

    Does it require a restart of SQL for this to show up or am I missing something?

    I can ping the IP but not available in CM.

  • I would think it would be there without a SQL restart, but you might need to do the restart. You could also try it on a different machine to see. Sorry I can't be more definitive..


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