Multiple Instances on ONE Windows 2008 CLuster

  • We are getting a Windows 2008 CLuster server (active/passive two nodes). and I am planning on install an instance of SQL 2005 and an instance of SQL 2008 on it. The reason behind this is that we have some legacy applications whose backend DBs do not support SQL 2008( yes, they dont, thats our legacy).

    Here are some of the points that I am still not so clear about:

    1. Can I run the two instances on this Cluster?

    2. If I can run two instances, can I install the SQL2008 instance first and then install the SQL2005 instance later? is there any specific ORDER for the two installations?

    3. Assuming that I can install/run two instances in the Cluster, Do i need to set up two SQL server Groups in the Cluster? how about the DISKs, can they use the same set of Disks? At the current configuration, we only have one set of DAta drive, log drive and tempDB drive.. if the two instances share the same disk sets, I am assuming that the two will need to be in the SAME SQL group?

    Hoping some gurus out there could shed some lights on this.


  • DBA in Unit 7 (8/12/2010)

    We are getting a Windows 2008 CLuster server (active/passive two nodes). and I am planning on install an instance of SQL 2005 and an instance of SQL 2008 on it. The reason behind this is that we have some legacy applications whose backend DBs do not support SQL 2008( yes, they dont, thats our legacy).

    Here are some of the points that I am still not so clear about:

    1. Can I run the two instances on this Cluster?

    Yes. SQL Server Standard Edition you can have up to 16 instances and Enterprise up to 52 (not that it is recommended :P).


    2. If I can run two instances, can I install the SQL2008 instance first and then install the SQL2005 instance later? is there any specific ORDER for the two installations?[/Quote]

    Yes. You can have SQL 2005 and 2008 on same cluster; however I have never had chance to install it. I know it is supported by Microsoft. But please note configuring SQL 2005 on Windows 2008 Cluster you can have some issues. Look at the KB (Link) or my Blog, I have had lots of fun. So I hope someone else can shed a bit more light for you on this, I been too spoiled in my career to install same version on Cluster. But if the application can't be upgraded to SQL 2008, maybe running the database in 2005 compatibility mode might be an option?

    3. Assuming that I can install/run two instances in the Cluster, Do i need to set up two SQL server Groups in the Cluster? how about the DISKs, can they use the same set of Disks? At the current configuration, we only have one set of DAta drive, log drive and tempDB drive.. if the two instances share the same disk sets, I am assuming that the two will need to be in the SAME SQL group?

    Hoping some gurus out there could shed some lights on this.


    Yes, you will need to have two groups. Because you can only have one instance per group; if you are doing clustering you want to let each instance run in its own group to provide failover abilities. Also added to this this will become Active-Active cluster with two instances. You can have both running same node but it is not recommended for normal operations. You will also need to have separate set of disks as two different installs cannot share same disks. On multi-instance I would also recommend using mount-points over direct disk because if you ever decide to expand the server you can run out of disk spaces quickly.



    Mohit K. Gupta, MCITP: Database Administrator (2005), My Blog, Twitter: @SQLCAN[/url].
    Microsoft FTE - SQL Server PFE

    * Some time its the search that counts, not the finding...
    * I didn't think so, but if I was wrong, I was wrong. I'd rather do something, and make a mistake than be frightened and be doing nothing. :smooooth:[/font]

    How to ask for help .. Read Best Practices here[/url].

  • I don't see why you can't install in either order 2005 then 2008 or 2008 then 2005. I've only ever added a higher version instance to a server with an existing lower version instance (whether it be 2000/2005/2008) but I don't see why it should be a problem to do the opposite.

    You can run two (or more) instances, one in each cluster group. Each group/instance will require it's own drives (data/log/temp/etc.). ie: You will need separate disks.

    If you are running one SQL instance on a two node cluster then you only need to license one node as only one node can be actively running SQL Server. If you are running two or more SQL instances on a two node cluster then you will need to license both nodes, as both nodes can potentially be active.

  • I suggest that you install 2005 first and then 2008. This is due to the incompatiblity of the 2008 SSMS with 2005.

    If you do install 2008 first, be sure and NOT install the client applications for 2005.

  • Thank you very much all the above VALUABLE suggestions and warnings.

    I think I got the idea about how the Virtual servers/Instances/Groups/Disks/Nodes fun stuffs linked together to make it work.

    This is what I liked about this forum, always having gurus ready to share their knowledge and pains and joys.

    ....I am installing the SQL 2008 first ( with jerry's warning in mind for the 2005 part later)here and will report back.

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