Multiple Instances of MS-SQL Server

  • Hey,

    I have a query related to both MS-SQL Server 2000 and 2005. I have SQL Server 2000 Database installed on one machine and SQL Server 2005 on another machine. Both the machines are on the same domain. Can i name both of the instances has THI-SQL ?? as this is my First Database Instance name which was in SQL 2000 and i want the SQL 2005 to be on the same name.

    I want to use my SQL Sever 2005 on Cluster Based Environment which i have already configured.

    Can i do that

  • Hi Sherry

    A default instance of a SQL Server 2000 or 2005 is usually the PC Name.

    You can not have the same PC name on the same domian.

    In SQL 2000 / 2005 you can create Named Instances:



    This means that the SQL Instance Name is the same - but the PC or Server name is different.

    In terms of the clustering - I am not 100% around this aspect of it - maybe someone else can provide input on that.



  • Off course the server names are different but in SQL 2005 it asks for the Instance name when installing on the server

  • Hi - yes the instance you talk of is the Named Instance and you can have many of the same of these names as the SQL Instance is actually both the ServerName and Instance:




    So the Named Instances are the same but the SQL Instance is seen as 3 different instances.

    Does this help? - Let us know



  • you mean to say i can do it.... ?? there will no problem in running any of those instances

    I have changed both the server names but the instance name is same... it gave an error that the specified instance already exist on the network

  • You mention that you changed the server names, does this mean that 2 servers have "shared" a name?

    There are potentially registery entries that are still pointing to the instance name being referenced as servername\instancename

    let us know.

    As far as I am aware the named instance name can be used for multiple servers (maybe someone else has more info on this?)



  • hello,

    I've another question concerning two instances of SQL Server on the same machine. Arte they both listening on Port 1433 ? Is that possible ? Or do I have defining two different ports ?



  • i think SQL itself defines the port numbers. You can have atmost 50 Instances on one single machine but it decreases machine performance.

    may be i am wrong

  • Hi,

    It is completely depends on the Port number.

    Thanks -- Vj

  • I have exactly the same question. I checked on several websites but I have not found a straight forward answer. Can somebody answer this?

  • Hi

    If the question you are asking is if you can have multiple instances with the same name on a network - the answer is yes.

    Note: this assumes that these instances are one different servers.

    Because the server name is different, the full path to the SQL server will be SERVER\INSTANCENAME

    so because the server names are different then these SQL instances are not the same and can have more than 1 with the same name.

    Additional Info:


    When SQL Express is installed on PC's their default instance name is SQLEXPRESS - and there are usually many computers with this instance name that exisit on a network - but because each PC has a different name this is not a problem and there can be the same named instances on a network.



  • hi,

    Can i have two or more instances of sql server running in my machine and access the same simultaneously. If yes how?

    Please help...

    thank you

  • Hi friends,

    Here are some doubts regarding the Instances in SQL Server.

    1) Is there any effect to the processor (or) existing application performnce if a new instance was created on a machine.

    2) I am having a scenerio as follows: There are two servers like DEV and PRODUCTION. I need to move a DB from DEV to PROD , for this i am going to create a another instance on the PROD server. Suppose if my DB name on DEV is same as one of the DB present on the PROD, is it causes any conflict at the time of restoring a DB.

    Thakns in advance,

    Venu Gopal.K
    Software Engineer

  • venki.ffcl (12/29/2008)


    Can i have two or more instances of sql server running in my machine and access the same simultaneously. If yes how?

    Please help...

    thank you

    Yes you can have multiple instance running on a single server. If I am not wrong, maximum you can have is 15 instances. Accessing them is by their name. You can have one default and multiple named instance. Just giving server name would allow you to connect to the default and servernameamed_instance would allow you to connect to named instance. Hope this helps.


  • PP-564103 (8/31/2009)

    venki.ffcl (12/29/2008)


    Can i have two or more instances of sql server running in my machine and access the same simultaneously. If yes how?

    Please help...

    thank you

    Yes you can have multiple instance running on a single server. If I am not wrong, maximum you can have is 15 instances. Accessing them is by their name. You can have one default and multiple named instance. Just giving server name would allow you to connect to the default and servernameamed_instance would allow you to connect to named instance. Hope this helps.

    I believe the limit on instances per server is 50 rather than 15 as sherry81hi mentioned earlier. Unfortunately I am not sure of the licence implications in doing this, i.e. whether one is limited to a maximum number of instances if they have only one SQL Server licence. Can anyone shed light on that please?

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