Multiple inserts

  • If you are using keep everything in ViewState. If the application user has Insert rights on the tables just use Data Adapters's Isnsert/Update command. It  will take care of your Identity Foreign key issues.

    If there is a master table and child table (Most likely. It doesn't look like one one tables for me) it would be very difficult to make single stored procedure. It will be a Stored proecedure for each table.

    I would use DataSet and Data Adapter of ADO.NET.

    If you are using asp I would suggest to insert the data in each page.


  • Thank you for all your help guys,

    When creating the stored procedure, won't I need to do something like:

    create procedure prc_modulename_insertbig (

    @SchoolName       varchar(50),

    @SchoolCounty      varchar(50),

    @SchoolType       char(1),

    @SchoolAdd1        varchar(100),

    @SchoolAdd2       varchar(100),

    @SchoolPhone      char(11),

    @SchoolFax          char(11),

    @SchoolIP            char(16),

    @SchoolInfo         varchar(250),

    @SchoolChart       varchar(256),

    AS INSERT INTO(SchoolName, SchoolCounty, SchoolType...) VALUES(@SchoolName, @SchoolCounty, @SchoolType...)

    Or do I do the big insert outside of the stored procedure?



  • Everything inside.

    BTW It's insert into dbo.TableName (...)

  • Remi,

    Oh yeah, thanks.

    BTW...why would I do all the inserts in the stored procedure? 

    My issue with this is, how the heck would I pass all the variables from the form into this stored procedure?  That's like 250 variables!!!!



  • You can pass 1024 parameters .

    Because you can put it all in 1 transaction and have it suceed all or fail all.

  • I thought it was 2100...!!!

    at any rate...I know I'm happy when I don't have to pass more than about 10 (max in my procedures...thank god!)

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • I don't think I can do this in ASP, because I'd have to pass the variables like so:

    'all the variables from all the forms

    SchoolName = SchoolName      

    SchoolCounty = SchoolCounty



    set dataConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

    dataConn.Open  "DSN=webData;uid=user;pwd=password" 'make connection

    strSql = "sp_myInsert '" & SchoolName & "', '" & SchoolCounty & "', '" SchoolType & "'" etc......

    dataConn.Execute(strSql) 'execute sql call

    The problem is, I can't do this for multiple tables...I mean, I'll be passing like 250 variables, but how will the stored procedure know what table they go into?



  • Your stored procedure will know because you tell it in your t-sql - eg: parameter1 goes to tbl1, parameter2 into tbl2 etc...

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • hey remi - this's what I have from the microsoft website...

    max parameters


    Is a parameter in the procedure. One or more parameters can be declared in a CREATE PROCEDURE statement. The value of each declared parameter must be supplied by the user when the procedure is executed (unless a default for the parameter is defined or the value is set to equal another parameter). A stored procedure can have a maximum of 2,100 parameters."

    hmm - I wonder if today's the day I'm finally right when remi's wrong?????

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • You're right... must have been confused with server 7.0.

    Anyways he can pass 250 without any problems... and I'm right on that one.

  • sushila 

    Forgive my ignorance, but how do I tell the stored procedure what variable goes where?  Right now, I just my variables defined like:

    @SchoolName       varchar(50),

    @SchoolCounty      varchar(50),

    @SchoolType       char(1),

    @NetworkType     varchar(50)


    How do I tell it that @SchoolName would go into the School table, and the @NetworkType variable would go into the Network table?




  • Insert into dbo.Schools (col1, col2) values (@Var1, @Var2)

  • magyar - it would be something like...

    insert into tblSchool(SchoolName, SchoolCounty, SchoolType)




    insert into tblNetwork(NetworkType)



    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • Hey guys, it's me again...I've been doing some research on stored procedures, and thinking about all the advice I receieved.

    I started to write out all the variables that the stored procedure would require, and after I was done with the list, I couldn't believe it!

    After looking it over, do you think a stored procedure is still the best way to go?

    create procedure sp_biginsert (

    @SRrequestDate   varchar(50)

    @SRschoolNameFirst  varchar(150)

    @SRschoolNameLast  varchar(150)

    @SRschoolCompany  varchar(150)

    @SRschoolBranch  varchar(150)

    @SRschoolAddress1  varchar(150)

    @SRschoolAddress2  varchar(150)

    @SRschoolCity  varchar(150)

    @SRschoolState  char(10)

    @SRschoolZip   varchar(20)

    @SRschoolPhone  varchar(35)

    @SRschoolFax   varchar(35)

    @SRschoolEmail  varchar(50)

    @SRschoolRegion  varchar(75)

    @SRschoolSupervisor  varchar(75)

    @SRschoolclaimType  varchar(50)

    @SRschoolDateOfLoss  varchar(50)

    @SRschoolInsured  varchar(50)

    @SRschoolClaimNumber  varchar(50)

    @SRschoolPackaging  varchar(50)

    @SRschoolContactPrefs varchar(50)

    @SRclaimantNameFirst  varchar(150)

    @SRclaimantNameLast  varchar(150)

    @SRclaimantOffice  varchar(150)

    @SRclaimantAddress1  varchar(150)

    @SRclaimantAddress2  varchar(150)

    @SRclaimantCity   varchar(150)

    @SRclaimantState  char(10)

    @SRclaimantZip   varchar(20)

    @SRclaimantPhone  varchar(35)

    @SRclaimantDateOfBirth  varchar(25)


















































































  • 112 parameters you are still very far from 2100

    Now compare that with all you would need to do client and server side if you go differently !

    1. one call per insert

    2. Intermediate storage before everything is good to go

    3. Transaction handling for each trip

    4. Serveral extra round trips to the DB

    ... etc


    a single call at the end when you know everything needed with transaction handling included 



    * Noel

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