multiple insert statment in a single stored procedure

  • I have three tables.Am using,c# and sql server 2005 for my application.

    So for a single insert button i wanna to store the data in three diff tables using a single sp.

    My tables are


    articleMaster(cat_id(foreign key,article_id(auto incriment primary key),title,description

    articleAttachmnet(article_id foreign key),attachment_id(autoincriment-primary key),path

    using a single save button i wanna to store the relavent data into these three tables using a single store procedure

    Please help me ....its urgent

  • priya.preejaa (6/15/2009)

    I have three tables.Am using,c# and sql server 2005 for my application.

    So for a single insert button i wanna to store the data in three diff tables using a single sp.

    My tables are


    articleMaster(cat_id(foreign key,article_id(auto incriment primary key),title,description

    articleAttachmnet(article_id foreign key),attachment_id(autoincriment-primary key),path

    using a single save button i wanna to store the relavent data into these three tables using a single store procedure

    Please help me ....its urgent

    You can write one SP with all parameters that are required for insertions in these three tables. Within the sp you write something like this.

    Insert into categories(col names...) values(col values from the parameters passed)

    Insert into articleMaster(col names...) values(col values from the parameters passed)

    Insert into articleAttachmnet(col names...) values(col values from the parameters passed)

    In the click event of the button you call this SP will all required parameters.

    Pradeep Singh

  • Hi

    If you are using a Stored procedure use transactions.

    "Keep Trying"

  • Hi,

    but how to get the primary key of the first table from there?

    first i wanna store data in category table....that cat_id i wanna store it on the other Article table

    how to get that?

  • can u expain more...i dont know how to use transaction

    can u demonstate the code....may be thats helpful for me.

  • here is the logic

    1.Begin a transaction

    2. insert into category table

    3. get max identity from this table

    4. insert this max identity into article table

    5. commit transaction

    Create table test1(col1 int)

    create table test2

    (col1 int identity,

    col2 varchar(10))

    begin tran

    insert into test2(col2) values('window1')

    insert into test1 select max(col1) from test2


    write ur code with this logic and let us know the results

    Pradeep Singh

  • priya.preejaa (6/16/2009)

    can u expain more...i dont know how to use transaction

    can u demonstate the code....may be thats helpful for me.

    Transactions are used for maintaing data integrity. Lets says that you are inserting into two tables inside a procedure. Insertion to one table happens correctly and insertion to the second table results in a error. What you would want is to insert data into both of the tables or to neither of the tables. This is where transactions help by letting you roll back in case of errors. If there are no errors you commit the transaction.

    Previous mails have described how to go about them. Revert back in case you have doubts.

    "Keep Trying"

  • Where "PS" said "get max identity from this table", instead use SCOPE_IDENTITY. Read about it in Books Online (BOL). The problem with selecting the maximum identity from a table is that there is no guarantee that the row was inserted from the current invocation of *your* process. The SCOPE_IDENTITY function returns the just-added IDENTITY value from *your* process only.

  • Good point. however i tested it with the example mentioned in the same post. I used begin tran which gave correct identity value for logged-in user's scope... however i'll try that as well..

    Pradeep Singh

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