Multiple endpoint on one witness server(Mirroring), Is it possible? How?

  • melissa.dougherty (5/18/2011)

    I had read suggestions about not using the FQN...

    that's bad advice then

    melissa.dougherty (5/18/2011)

    I put an alias in the hosts file.

    rely on DNS that what it is there for

    melissa.dougherty (5/18/2011)

    The reason this is difficult, is because I named the SQL Server instance, SQLServerWitness. So, when I execute the ALTER DATABASE it does not like the '/' with the instance name. I'm getting ready to purchase the book suggested on Kindle to look up the solution.

    Use a unique port number to identify the instance mirroring endpoint


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Although its an old thread, however this reply can help someone who is passing through such pain now. 🙂

    SQL Service account of witness server must exist on partner servers(i.e.- principle and mirror). Also their it should have grant connect permission to the mirroring endpoint.


    Let Principle server is- Prin_Instance01 service account- domain\abc Mirroring endpoint- Mirroring

    Mirror server is- Mirr_Instance01 service account- domain\abc Mirroring endpoint- Mirroring

    Witness server is- Wit_Instance01 service account- domain\wit Mirroring endpoint- Mirroring

    Then "domain\wit" must exist on Prin_Instance01 , Mirr_Instance01. Also "domain\wit" must have grant connect permission on Mirroring endpoint- Mirroring @ Prin_Instance01 and Mirr_Instance01.

    Comand for grant connect is -

    GRANT CONNECT on ENDPOINT::Mirroring TO [domain\wit];


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