multiple datasources/servers?

  • Hi,

    What should be sql server integration package contents?

    For instance Query is ------------------

    select * from orders

    when connected to server A it bring data for A only,

    connected to B and then data for B only and so on.............

    If I need to see data from A, B, C, D , E server in one single report. how do i go about it?

    thank you !!

  • X amount of data flow tasks selecting what is needed from the same table in each server, then import that into 1 big central table.

    They in the report query the big central table.

  • thank you. I am very new to this so please excuse if any of the questions looks basic.

    the query has no parameters.

    something like this

    create table #product


    prod_id int

    ,prod_detail varchar(40) )

    INSERT INTO #product (prod_id ,prod_detail )

    SELECT 1, 'bicycle'


    SELECT 2, 'car'


    SELECT 3, 'truck'


    SELECT 4, 'van'

    select * from #product

    drop table #product

    I should add one execute sql task then a dataflow task for each server right ?

    >I added one execute sql task on control flow tab

    >selected connection, result set as full result set,

    i get error like failed to lock variable. I think I am not setting up the variable right.

    if there is a good link for beginner, please post that as well.


  • You dont need an execute SQL task, just a data flow task.

    Create connection managers for ServerA,B,C,D,E and then a connection manager for the server where the big table is going to be stored (e.g. ServerF)

    Depending how you want to do it, drag between 1 and 5 data flow tasks (DFT) onto the control flow, then inside the data flow tasks created the source and destination connections, and use a SQL query on the source connection to select what you want, then it will insert it into ServerF.

    Each DFT can have multiple sources and connections, so you could have 1 DFT with 5 sources, all mapping 5 destinations, or you could use the merge task to merge all 5 result sets into 1 then import it into 1 destination.

    Or you could have 5 DFTs each one relates to each source server.

    Up to you how you want to do it.

    I would recommend running through the SSIS stairways

  • Thank you so much Anthony !!. I am going to try that. appreciate your time and help.

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