Multiple columns - phonebook style

  • So I've seen all the stuff about creating multiple column reports using the "Columns" property and using the multiple tables trick. Neither work for what I'm looking for. I need a multiple column report for fields that are dynamic in height, wrap top to bottom and break at the end of a page (take a look at how a phonebook is laid out for a perfect example). Since the fields are dynamic in height, I don't know how many records will fit in a column - might be 25, might be 35, so the column's wrapping needs to be dynamic based on how the records fit on the page/column.

    We're looking at converting a thousand or so Crystal Reports (which handles this seamlessly) over to SSRS and if we can't get this to work, we may be looking at staying with CR.

  • I found this article on how it works.

    Hope this helps. 🙂


  • Unfortunately that's just another variation on the multiple table solution using filtered fields instead of filtered tables. It is a better solution, IMO, than the multiple table solution (thank you for that, since I'll use it in places), but it doesn't address the dynamic field height issue.

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