Multiple calls to MAX(datecolumn) in select

  • andis59 (11/21/2016)

    Is there any difference in performance?

    BTW, does the size of the database table has any impact on the Tuning Advisor and the time it takes to finish?

    There's no significant difference in performance with these 2. However, you might find set-theorists that would want to avoid variables. I wouldn't correct either of those, but I thought it was a nice example on how it could be done in a different and more concise way.

    In fact, I'm finding no difference in performance among the three options when there's an index in place. If there's no index, only the original version is slower. I tested this with 10 million rows.

    CREATE TABLE serialno(

    rowcreateddt datetime);

    CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX CI_MyDatetime ON dbo.serialno(rowcreateddt);

    INSERT INTO serialno

    SELECT TOP 10000000 DATEADD( DD, RAND(CHECKSUM(NEWID()))*10000, '2010')

    FROM sys.all_columns a, sys.all_columns b;




    DECLARE @RunDateTime datetime = '20161124',

    @CheckIfInFuture bit = 1,

    @DaysIntoFuture int = 3;


    DECLARE @TimeStamp datetime2 = sysdatetime();

    IF(SELECT Max(rowcreateddt)

    FROM serialno) IS NOT NULL

    AND ( (SELECT Max(rowcreateddt) FROM serialno) > @RunDateTime

    OR ( @CheckIfInFuture = '1' AND (SELECT Max(rowcreateddt) FROM serialno) < @RunDateTime - @DaysIntoFuture ) )

    SELECT 1, DATEDIFF(McS, @TimeStamp, sysdatetime());


    SET @TimeStamp = sysdatetime();


    FROM serialno

    HAVING Max(rowcreateddt) > @RunDateTime

    OR ( @CheckIfInFuture = 1 AND Max(rowcreateddt) < @RunDateTime - @DaysIntoFuture))

    SELECT 2, DATEDIFF(MCS, @TimeStamp, sysdatetime());


    SET @TimeStamp = sysdatetime();


    SELECT @MaxRowCreatedDT = Max(rowcreateddt)

    FROM serialno;

    IF (@MaxRowCreatedDT IS NOT NULL)

    AND (

    (@MaxRowCreatedDT > @RunDateTime)

    OR (

    @CheckIfInFuture = '1'

    AND (@MaxRowCreatedDT < @RunDateTime - @DaysIntoFuture)



    SELECT 3, DATEDIFF(MCS, @TimeStamp, sysdatetime());

    GO 5

    DROP TABLE serialno;

    Also, the size of the database has an impact on the Tuning Advisor. It'll take longer with more data, but it will also be more accurate with the right volume instead of having a small db to test.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • Thank you Luis.

    I realize that I have a long way to go in the world of SQL.

    // Anders

  • andis59 (11/22/2016)

    Thank you Luis.

    I realize that I have a long way to go in the world of SQL.

    // Anders

    The good part is that you're moving forward. 😉

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • andis59 (11/21/2016)

    BTW, does the size of the database table has any impact on the Tuning Advisor and the time it takes to finish?

    Quick advice, very carefully assess the output of the DTA and NEVER blindly apply any suggestions it makes.


  • Eirikur Eiriksson (11/22/2016)

    andis59 (11/21/2016)

    BTW, does the size of the database table has any impact on the Tuning Advisor and the time it takes to finish?

    Quick advice, very carefully assess the output of the DTA and NEVER blindly apply any suggestions it makes.


    Combined with the General Disclaimer from Luis

    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    They make a really good advise!

    Thank you very much!

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