multi value parameter not showing when it only has 1 record

  • Hi,

    I have a report in SSRS 2005 which has a parameter that depends on another parameter. both are multi value parameters (job parameter and task parameter). problem is when i select a job that only has 1 task, the task parameter only shows a scroll bar in both direction. but if i select a job that has more than 1 tasks, it shows the task alright.

    i've checked my report server version, it has sp2 (Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services Version 9.00.3042.00) already. Db version is also patched to sp2.

    please help.

    thank you

    Justin The

  • I don't know why this might happen outside of data issues.

    --Have you tried to run the dependent parameter query in SSMS with the exact same inputs?

    --Try trimming both the input parameter and the join column. I have had garbage spaces screw up more than one query.

    --Is either column case sensitive?

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