Multi-server Administration - Execute in master

  • Dear experts,

    I have implemented a multi-server environment. There is one master server (MSX) and three target servers (TSX).

    But I have a job that I want to execute in all four servers, either in the targets and in the master. Is there a way to do it?

    Obvisously I know that I can create a job in the Local Jobs, but then there will be two different jobs.

    Thanks in advance,

    DBA Cabuloso
    Lucas Benevides

  • It does not appear many people are using this feature.

  • I run most of my maintenance and monitoring from a central server (one id DEV, one in TEST and one in PROD).

    I use powershell scripts scheduled via SQL agent jobs.

    Most of them start by getting a list of servers against which to run maintenance tasks.

  • I've been using multi-server administration on ~40 instances for almost 2 years, and it's fantastic. As far as I know a job can target the local server OR multiple servers, but not both. Small price to pay for the convenience though.. having 2 (almost identical) versions of each job wasn't a dealbreaker for me.

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