Multi row tally query with max value

  • After rereading the original post I now understand about the INTERVAL_THICKNESS, this query works using a case statement to calculate the INTERVAL_THICKNESS

    ;WITH fn as
    select N
    from dbo.fnTally(0, 600) fn
    fn.N DEPTH_FROM,
    fn.N + 1 DEPTH_TO,
    WHEN dd.DEPTH_FROM >= fn.N and dd.DEPTH_TO <= fn.N + 1 then dd.DEPTH_TO - dd.DEPTH_FROM
    WHEN dd.DEPTH_FROM >= fn.N and dd.DEPTH_TO > fn.N + 1 then fn.N + 1 - dd.DEPTH_FROM
    WHEN dd.DEPTH_FROM <= fn.N and dd.DEPTH_TO <= fn.N + 1 then dd.DEPTH_TO - fn.N
    WHEN dd.DEPTH_FROM <= fn.N and dd.DEPTH_TO >= fn.N + 1 then fn.N + 1 - fn.N
    FROM fn
    WHERE dd.DEPTH_FROM <= convert(decimal, fn.N + 1)
    AND dd.DEPTH_TO > convert(decimal, fn.N)
    WHEN dd.DEPTH_FROM >= fn.N and dd.DEPTH_TO <= fn.N + 1 then dd.DEPTH_TO - dd.DEPTH_FROM
    WHEN dd.DEPTH_FROM >= fn.N and dd.DEPTH_TO > fn.N + 1 then fn.N + 1 - dd.DEPTH_FROM
    WHEN dd.DEPTH_FROM <= fn.N and dd.DEPTH_TO <= fn.N + 1 then dd.DEPTH_TO - fn.N
    WHEN dd.DEPTH_FROM <= fn.N and dd.DEPTH_TO >= fn.N + 1 then fn.N + 1 - fn.N
    END DESC) dd
    ORDER BY 1, 2, 3
  • Extra post to flip page

  • To get the thickness calculation correct it needs to account for the boundary conditions.  Instead of expanding across the entire sequence and then joining (with inequalities) to the resultant intervals this code expands the intervals of each downhole row.   The interval is expanded across the number of integer boundary crossings (ceiling(DEPTH_TO)-floor(DEPTH_FROM)).  The expanded intervals overlap such that the entire range of thicknesses is explicitly accounted for.

    This query calculates the thicknesses of the downhole expanded sequence(s) (labelled as the "expanded floor" (because it's calculated that way)

    with exp_cte as (
    select dd.*, v.*, y.thickness, intvl.exp_floor
    from #DOWNHOLE_DATA dd
    cross apply (values (ceiling(DEPTH_TO)-floor(DEPTH_FROM))) v(int_xing)
    cross apply dbo.fnTally(1, v.int_xing) fn
    cross apply (values (floor(DEPTH_FROM)+fn.n)) intvl(exp_floor)
    cross apply (values (iif(fn.n=1, iif(v.int_xing=1, DEPTH_TO-DEPTH_FROM, intvl.exp_floor-DEPTH_FROM), DEPTH_TO-(intvl.exp_floor-1)))) y(thickness))
    select *
    from exp_cte;

    Within the overlapping downhole expanded intervals use ROW_NUMBER and PARTITION BY exp_floor and ORDER BY thicknesses

    with exp_cte as (
    select dd.*, v.*, y.thickness, intvl.exp_floor
    from #DOWNHOLE_DATA dd
    cross apply (values (ceiling(DEPTH_TO)-floor(DEPTH_FROM))) v(int_xing)
    cross apply dbo.fnTally(1, v.int_xing) fn
    cross apply (values (floor(DEPTH_FROM)+fn.n)) intvl(exp_floor)
    cross apply (values (iif(fn.n=1, iif(v.int_xing=1, DEPTH_TO-DEPTH_FROM, intvl.exp_floor-DEPTH_FROM), DEPTH_TO-(intvl.exp_floor-1)))) y(thickness))
    select *, row_number() over (partition by exp_floor order by thickness desc) rn
    from exp_cte
    order by PROJECT, HOLE_ID, DEPTH_FROM, exp_floor;

    To get the final result you could select WHERE the row numbers equal 1

    exp_cte as (
    select dd.*, v.*, y.thickness, intvl.exp_floor
    from #DOWNHOLE_DATA dd
    cross apply (values (ceiling(DEPTH_TO)-floor(DEPTH_FROM))) v(int_xing)
    cross apply dbo.fnTally(1, v.int_xing) fn
    cross apply (values (floor(DEPTH_FROM)+fn.n)) intvl(exp_floor)
    cross apply (values (iif(fn.n=1, iif(v.int_xing=1, DEPTH_TO-DEPTH_FROM, intvl.exp_floor-DEPTH_FROM), DEPTH_TO-(intvl.exp_floor-1)))) y(thickness)),
    rn_cte as (
    select *, row_number() over (partition by exp_floor order by thickness desc) rn
    from exp_cte)
    select *
    from rn_cte
    where rn=1
    order by PROJECT, HOLE_ID, DEPTH_FROM, exp_floor;

    Aus dem Paradies, das Cantor uns geschaffen, soll uns niemand vertreiben können

  • Also a few other potential issues.  If there are any gaps in the depth measurements this method won't fill them in.  Also if there are equal thicknesses this method will randomly select one, maybe there's a preferred way to settle ties?  The code could also be refactored so there's only 1 cte

    exp_cte as (
    select dd.*, v.*, y.thickness, intvl.exp_floor, row_number() over (partition by exp_floor order by thickness desc) rn
    from #DOWNHOLE_DATA dd
    cross apply (values (ceiling(DEPTH_TO)-floor(DEPTH_FROM))) v(int_xing)
    cross apply dbo.fnTally(1, v.int_xing) fn
    cross apply (values (floor(DEPTH_FROM)+fn.n)) intvl(exp_floor)
    cross apply (values (iif(fn.n=1, iif(v.int_xing=1, DEPTH_TO-DEPTH_FROM, intvl.exp_floor-DEPTH_FROM), DEPTH_TO-(intvl.exp_floor-1)))) y(thickness))
    select *
    from exp_cte
    where rn=1
    order by PROJECT, HOLE_ID, DEPTH_FROM, exp_floor;

    Aus dem Paradies, das Cantor uns geschaffen, soll uns niemand vertreiben können

  • Thanks @jonathan-2 AC Roberts & @steve-2 Collins for the suggestions.

    I will just need to do some testing. I may have found a possible anomaly with the supplied data based on your results.

    Just give me a day or two to look into it and report back.

  • Hi all,

    Apologies for the delayed response. I have received feedback and it was confirmed that some of the example data I was provided had an anomaly. However, this was not present in the example data supplied in the initial script.

    @steve-2, your solution seems to be working. As you mentioned the equal thicknesses could present an issue. Feedback from the users is that it should be the first occurrence, and it seems to be picking that up.

    I'll mark yours as the solution. Thank you very much for your assistance on this one and thanks to everyone else for tackling this unusual problem.

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