Multi Cube totals

  • Hi,

    Ive been having some difficulty preparing an MDX statement that gathers information from two cubes and displays a combined total row.

    Cube A

    Contains information about logical objects

    Cube B

    Contains information about physical objects

    Each has (slightly differently named) dimensions for


    Object Type

    RAG Status

    And a count measure.

    Im trying to get to a point where I have:

    ____________(Cube A: RED) (Cube A: AMBER) (Cube A: GREEN) (CUBE A: Total RAGs (A+B+C) (Cube B: RED) (Cube B: AMBER) (Cube B: GREEN) (CUBE B: Total RAGs (A+B+C)

    Department A

    Department B

    Department C


    Using the following MDX ive managed to get pretty close, but the mod i put in to get around the "different dimensionality" issue is causing the total row to show under cube B in all occurances - even though having a look at the numbers tells me that they are the totals from cube a.

    I have split the totals into seperate rows for clarity, but intend for them to be on one row.

    -- Department Source = [Department].[Source].&[2]

    -- Parent Department Key DataMember = [Computer Department].[Parent Department Key].[Level 01]

    -- Parent Department Key = [Computer Department].[Parent Department Key].[All]

    -- Directory Object Parent = [Directory Object].[Parent Object Key].[All]

    -- Directory Name = [Directory Object].[Directory Name].[All]

    -- Location = [Location].[Location].[All]


    End of automatically generated trace info/params



    // Computer elements


    MEMBER [Computer Department].[Parent Department Key].[This Department]

    AS ([Computer Department].[Parent Department Key].[Level 01].DataMember, [Measures].[Fact Computer Specification Count])

    MEMBER [Measures].[Computers]

    AS ([Measures].[Fact Computer Specification Count], [Computer Directory Object].[Object Type].&[Computer])

    MEMBER [Computer Department].[Parent Department Key].[Computer Total]

    AS ([Computer Department].[Parent Department Key].[All], [Measures].[Fact Computer Specification Count])

    MEMBER [Measures].[Department Key]

    AS [Computer Department].[Parent Department Key].CurrentMember.Properties("Key")

    MEMBER [Measures].[Migration Rag Key]

    AS [Computer].[Migration RAG].CurrentMember.Properties("Key")

    MEMBER [Measures].[Department Name]

    AS [Computer Department].[Parent Department Key].CurrentMember.Properties("Caption")

    MEMBER [Measures].[Red Computers]

    AS ([Measures].[Fact Computer Specification Count], [Computer].[Migration RAG].&[Red])

    MEMBER [Measures].[Amber Computers]

    AS ([Measures].[Fact Computer Specification Count], [Computer].[Migration RAG].&[Amber])

    MEMBER [Measures].[Green Computers]

    AS ([Measures].[Fact Computer Specification Count], [Computer].[Migration RAG].&[Green])

    MEMBER [Measures].[Unknown Computers]

    AS ([Measures].[Fact Computer Specification Count], [Computer].[Migration RAG].&[Unknown])

    MEMBER [Measures].[Total RAGU Computers]





    EXCEPT([Computer].[Migration RAG].Children, [Computer].[Migration RAG].&[Unknown])


    , [Measures].[Fact Computer Specification Count]


    // User elements


    MEMBER [Measures].[Users]




    , "


    [Measures].[Directory Object Count]

    , [Directory Object].[Object Type].&[User]

    , [Department].[Source].[Location Feed]

    , [Directory Object].[Directory Name].[All]

    , [Directory Object].[Parent Object Key].[All]

    , [Location].[Location].[All]

    , [Department].[Parent Department Key].&[" + [Measures].[Department Key] + "]



    MEMBER [Computer Department].[Parent Department Key].[User Total]





    , "


    [Measures].[Directory Object Count]

    , [Directory Object].[Object Type].[User]

    , [Directory Object].[Migration RAG].&[" + [Measures].[Migration Rag Key] + "]

    , [Department].[Source].&[2]

    , [Directory Name].[All]

    , [Directory Object].[Parent Object Key].[All]

    , [Location].[Location].[All]

    , [Department].[Parent Department Key].[All]



    MEMBER [Measures].[Red Users]





    , "


    [Measures].[Directory Object Count]

    , [Directory Object].[Object Type].&[User]

    , [Directory Object].[Migration RAG].&[Red]

    , [Department].[Source].&[2]

    , [Directory Object].[Directory Name].[All]

    , [Directory Object].[Parent Object Key].[All]

    , [Location].[Location].[All]

    , [Department].[Parent Department Key].&[" + [Measures].[Department Key] + "]



    MEMBER [Measures].[Amber Users]





    , "


    [Measures].[Directory Object Count]

    , [Directory Object].[Object Type].&[User]

    , [Directory Object].[Migration RAG].&[Amber]

    , [Department].[Source].&[2]

    , [Directory Object].[Directory Name].[All]

    , [Directory Object].[Parent Object Key].[All]

    , [Location].[Location].[All]

    , [Department].[Parent Department Key].&[" + [Measures].[Department Key] + "]



    MEMBER [Measures].[Green Users]





    , "


    [Measures].[Directory Object Count]

    , [Directory Object].[Object Type].&[User]

    , [Directory Object].[Migration RAG].&[Green]

    , [Department].[Source].&[2]

    , [Directory Object].[Directory Name].[All]

    , [Directory Object].[Parent Object Key].[All]

    , [Location].[Location].[All]

    , [Department].[Parent Department Key].&[" + [Measures].[Department Key] + "]



    MEMBER [Measures].[Unknown Users]





    , "


    [Measures].[Directory Object Count]

    , [Directory Object].[Object Type].&[User]

    , [Directory Object].[Migration RAG].&[Unknown]

    , [Department].[Source].&[2]

    , [Directory Object].[Directory Name].[All]

    , [Directory Object].[Parent Object Key].[All]

    , [Location].[Location].[All]

    , [Department].[Parent Department Key].&[" + [Measures].[Department Key] + "]



    MEMBER [Measures].[Total RAGU Users]





    , "



    ([Measures].[Directory Object Count]

    , [Directory Object].[Object Type].&[User]

    , [Department].[Source].&[2]

    , [Directory Object].[Directory Name].[All]

    , [Directory Object].[Parent Object Key].[All]

    , [Location].[Location].[All]

    , [Department].[Parent Department Key].&[" + [Measures].[Department Key] + "]

    , EXCEPT([Directory Object].[Migration RAG].Children, [Directory Object].[Migration RAG].&[Unknown])




    // MDX Select




    [Measures].[Department Name]

    , [Measures].[Users]

    , [Measures].[Red Users]

    , [Measures].[Amber Users]

    , [Measures].[Green Users]

    , [Measures].[Unknown Users]

    , [Measures].[Total RAGU Users]

    , [Measures].[Computers]

    , [Measures].[Red Computers]

    , [Measures].[Amber Computers]

    , [Measures].[Green Computers]

    , [Measures].[Unknown Computers]

    , [Measures].[Total RAGU Computers]



    [Computer Department].[Parent Department Key].[This Department],





    DESCENDANTS([Computer Department].[Parent Department Key].[All], 1, SELF)

    , [Computer Department].[Parent Department Key].[All].DataMember


    , [Measures].[Department Name]

    , BASC


    , [Computer Department].[Parent Department Key].[Computer Total]

    , [Computer Department].[Parent Department Key].[User Total]

    --, [Measures].[UserTotal]

    } ON ROWS

    FROM [Hardware Inventory]



    [Computer Department].[Source].&[2]

    , [Computer Directory Object].[Directory Name].[All]

    , DESCENDANTS([Computer Directory Object].[Parent Object Key].[All], 0, SELF)

    // , [Computer Location].[Location].[All]


  • PS. 2008 R2.

    Ive only really been using MDX for about 3 days (I did some stuff a few years ago), so any advice would be helpful!

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