Multi column report

  • Hi,

    I am designing a multi column report. I have set the property Columns = 3 in the report propertie.

    Report designer shows 3 columns. I placed table region on first column and preview the report. It is showing in 1 column only.

    I have read from msdn that multi column is views only when we export to pdf/excel bla bla.

    Even I export to pdf, still it is showing in 1 column only.

    Whats the mistake I have done.

    thanks in advance

  • You are definitely not going to see the columns render in HTML. If you're still not seeing them in a pdf then maybe the report width is the problem (although it should just go to multiple pages if too wide) or there's no data to fill them. Are you working with list objects or a table? Also make sure: Report Page Width should equal (The Report Body Width X The Number of Columns) + (ColumnSpacing [which is the space between each column] X (Number of Columns -1))

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