MSX-server problem

  • Hi there,

    I am trying to change jobproperties, when closing the dialogscreen I receive this message:

    Error 14274: Cannot add, update or delete a job that originated from an MSX-server. The job was not saved.

    So I look under Multiserver Administration, and I only see Make master and Make target, no defect options, suggesting, that there is NO masterserver...

    Is there any way I can find out what server should be master from the targetserver? Or do I have to drop and recreate the job? And how can a situation like this come into being? I am not that savvy with this MSX thing and I am at a loss here. Oh, I am new in this organization, and sofar NOBODY knows anything about this...

    Hans Brouwer

  • This can happen if the "originating_server" column in msdb..sysjobs is not the same as @@SERVERNAME (which is srv_id 0 in master..sysdatabases), perhaps the server has been renamed or msdb has been restored on different server...?

    You can hack sysjobs to fix this and you can ensure that @@servername = hostname (see renaming a server in BOL)

  • You are right, Shawn, I just found out the server has been renamed....

    Tnx for the response.

    Hans Brouwer

  • I was also to delete the failed jobs by doing the following update:

    update msdb.dbo.sysjobs set originating_server = 'DATA23' where originating_server = 'DATA2'

    at least this got things cleaned up... now, I have to figure out how to change the server name without restarting the service...  at least my failed jobs are gone.

    David Russell
    Any Cloud, Any Database, Oracle since 1982

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