MSSQL Client tries to connect to a duplicate sqlserver name

  • I have a cluster with 10 instances on. We are to deploy HP OpenView and it uses two odbc connections to the same server.

    The first odbc connection goes well to sqlserver\ovops,3175 (port number 3175).

    The second connections called reporter, does not use the server specification above. In the dropdown list the server instance is duplicated .

    Even if I am specifying to go to the sqlserver\ovops,3175, the connection changes to a dynamically set port and cannot connect.

    Any of you guys'n gal's out there who have experienced similar problems? It is a client problem - not on the server.

    Is there any chance I can delete an reg.key or some entry to avoid this?


  • Not sure if this will work or not, but you could give it a try.  Create an Alias in the Client Network Utility on the server and then use it in the ODBC source.  If you're using a 3rd party ODBC driver (like from HP) it could be that it is a driver issue.  I wouldn't mess with the registry though.  Good luck.

  • Thanks Linda

    I'll give it a try. Seems strange though, install SQL client tools on a windows 2003 server.


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