MSSQL 2008 - default instance name question

  • When I built my new machine, I installed VS 2008, which installed MS SQL Server Express 2008. I uninstalled Express and installed 'real' SQL. I mention this because it might explain the 'problem' I am having. (Either that or it was operator error...)

    Anyway, when I execute

    print @@servername

    the result is computer_name\computer_name. This doesn't seem right - it seems that the result should simply be computer_name.

    So, before I go and follow instructions for renaming an instance, such as those found here, I want to ask to make sure that my memory is correct and that the proper default instance name should be computer_name.


  • What you are referencing seems to be a named instance, by which, you can install multiple instance:

    MachineName/InstanceName. Therefore, when you installed your sql server, you must have specified a named instance.

    Now, what you are looking for is the "Default instance", by which your sql server will answer directly to your machine name. If your installation is fresh, I think the best way to get this would be to uninstall, and reinstall, using a Default Instance, in the options you are asked to fill out.

    I do not know of a way to change a named instance to a default instance, but there might be one. Since your installation is brand new, I propose you reinstall it, it will just be easier. At least, that's what I'd do.

    Hope that helps,



  • Wound up reinstalling - wasn't that painful. Guess the first time, I created a named instance instead of using the default.

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