Msg 8134, Level 16, State 1, Line 1,Divide by zero error encountered.,Warning: Null value is eliminated by an aggregate or other SET operation.

  • good morning guys here is my code and the error its getting

    SELECT D.SellerName as Seller,

    F.IsAuctioned as Actn,

    F.IsSold as Sold,

    NULLIF(F.IsSold,0) / NULLIF(F.IsAuctioned,0) as 'Sold Pct',

    F.TotalAmount as 'Sold Amt',

    NULLIF(F.TotalAmount,0) / NULLIF(F.IsSold,0) as 'Sold Avg',

    F.IsSubjectToApproval as 'Sold ST',

    F.IsPending as Pend,

    Count(F.ApprovedDate) as 'Acpt',

    SUM(F.Isrejected) as 'Rjct',

    NULLIF(F.Ispending,0)/NULLIF(F.IsSubjectToApproval,0)*100 as 'Pend %',

    (COUNT(F.ApprovedDate)/COUNT(Nullif(F.IsSubjectToApproval,0))) * 100 as 'Acpt %',

    SUM(NULLIF(F.IsRejected,0)/NULLIF(F.IsSubjectToApproval,0)) * 100 as 'Rjct %',

    SUM(NULLIF(F.IsRejected,0)/NULLIF(F.IsSold, 0))as 'Rjct Sold',

    CASE WHEN F.IsPending = 1 THEN F.TotalAmount ELSE NULL END as 'Pend Amt',

    CASE WHEN F.ApprovedDate IS not null THEN F.TotalAmount ELSE null end as 'Acpt Amt',

    CASE WHEN F.IsRejected = 1 THEN F.TotalAmount ELSE NULL End AS 'Rjct Amt',

    CASE WHEN F.ApprovedDate IS not null THEN AVG(NULLIF(F.WinningBid,0)/NULLIF(F.AuctionSellerReserve, 0))*100 ELSE NULL END as 'Avg',

    CASE WHEN F.ApprovedDate IS not null THEN MAX(NULLIF(F.WinningBid,0)/NULLIF(F.AuctionSellerReserve, 0))*100 ELSE NULL END as 'Max',

    CASE WHEN F.ApprovedDate IS not null THEN MIN(NULLIF(F.WinningBid,0)/NULLIF(F.AuctionSellerReserve, 0))*100 ELSE NULL END as 'Min',

    CASE WHEN F.IsRejected IS not null THEN AVG(NULLIF(F.Winningbid,0)/NULLIF(F.AuctionSellerReserve, 0))* 100 ELSE NULL END as 'Avg',

    CASE WHEN F.IsRejected IS not null THEN MAX( NULLIF(F.Winningbid,0)/NULLIF(F.AuctionSellerReserve, 0))* 100 ELSE NULL END as 'Max',

    CASE WHEN F.IsRejected IS not null THEN MIN(NULLIF(F.Winningbid,0)/NULLIF(F.AuctionSellerReserve, 0))* 100 ELSE NULL END as 'Min'

    FROM EDW.dbo.FactResidential F

    INNER JOIN EDW.dbo.DimSeller D

    ON F.SellerId = D.SellerId

    GROUP BY D.SellerName,










    the error is Msg 8134, Level 16, State 1, Line 1,Divide by zero error encountered.,Warning: Null value is eliminated by an aggregate or other SET operation.

    how do i eliminate the error thanks

  • It would help to have the table definition(s) (CREATE TABLE statement(s)), sample data (as a series of INSERT INTO statements) for the table(s), expected results based on sample data. Be sure the sample data reflects the problems that you are attempting to correct.

  • Maybe it's the wrong function you're using:

    AVG(NULLIF(F.WinningBid,0)/NULLIF(F.AuctionSellerReserve, 0))

    Straight from BOL (BooksOnLine):

    NULLIF returns the first expression if the two expressions are not equivalent. If the expressions are equivalent, NULLIF returns a null value of the type of the first expression.

    I guess you're looking for ISNULL() function...

    If so, I would change the divisor part to ISNULL(F.AuctionSellerReserve, 1) to avoid divsion by Zero.

    If those few hints won't help you should follow Lynns suggestion regarding some data to play with.

    A pessimist is an optimist with experience.

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  • Actually, you only need the NULLIF in denominator:

    AVG(ISNULL(F.WinningBid/NULLIF(F.AuctionSellerReserve, 0), 0))

    Try making a change similar to the above in your code.

  • If F.IsSubjectToApproval = 0, then this call:


    Returns 0 ...KABLOOIE!


    "You do not really understand something until you can explain it to your grandmother" - Albert Einstein

  • Thanks ll try it i appreciate your answer

  • i think it works if i run into any more problems you ll be the first to know thanks i appreaciate it i wish i could buy you a round of beer for your answer am in riverside where are you

  • A) I don't drink beer.

    B) If Riverside is CA, I happen to be in CO.

    But it is the thought that counts, thanks.

  • I believe your use of NULLIF(...) is valid here.

    It's the call to COUNT(...) that can return a 0.

    Why have that call to COUNT() there?


    "You do not really understand something until you can explain it to your grandmother" - Albert Einstein

  • This illustrates the situ.

    select count(Nullif(0,0))


    "You do not really understand something until you can explain it to your grandmother" - Albert Einstein

  • Seems like I totally missed the point. Sorry about that... :blush:

    A pessimist is an optimist with experience.

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  • lmu92 (1/27/2010)

    Seems like I totally missed the point. Sorry about that... :blush:

    Okay, I'm lost on how you are lost. Please, what did you miss? It was your post that I based my response on that seemed to fix the problem.

  • Run this:

    Select 1/Nullif(0,0)

    Then run this:

    Select 1/count(Nullif(0,0))


    "You do not really understand something until you can explain it to your grandmother" - Albert Einstein

  • thanks for your answer based on the query how would i make the result set to group on the D.sellername

  • klineandking (1/27/2010)

    thanks for your answer based on the query how would i make the result set to group on the D.sellername

    At this point, go back and read my first post. Need more info to help further.

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