Msg 7391 Unable to begin a distributed transaction

  • Hi,

    I have two servers - On a daily basis Server A Executes a S. Proc on Server B which collects data (selects) from partictular tables and inserts into a local temp table on Server A.

    Im getting 60% Success Rate The rest of the time returns the following:

    Msg 7391, Level 16, State 2, Procedure procedurename, Line 20

    The operation could not be performed because OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for

    linked server "servername" was unable to begin a distributed transaction.

    Both Servers are Windows 2003 Sp1 & SQL 2000 sp4, although I have seen this problembetween SQL 2005 & SQL 2000 sp4

    They are in the same Workgroup. They are set up as Linked Servers in SQL and

    have entries in the Hosts file on each server.

    I've ruled out -

    The MSDTC Security Settings


    Its not a loopback query

    In fact.. the following query fails intermittently:



    SELECT *

    FROM <server_name>.Pubs.dbo.Authors

    WHERE au_lname = 'Ringer'


    This issue is causing major problems, due to its nature and because its failure rate is high

    Any help would be very much appreciated!!!!

  • you have to tweak properties of w2003 msdtc to allow it to talk to w2000, selecting  "no authentication required"...

  • thanks for the reply, I already have those settings correct

  • Hi,

    with the same error message I have tried everything. DTC settings, permissions etc. The only thing that helped was to run my distributed queries from SQL Server 2005.

    Regards,Yelena Varsha

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