Msg 3724, Level 16, State 2

  • Good day,

    I am having a problem running some scripts on a database which is no longer setup for replication.  The database itself used to be setup for transactional replication.  However, the database was moved to a new server and replication was not enabled.  So, now when we try to run scripts we get the following

    Msg 3724, Level 16, State 2, Server OPTACCEPT2, Line 3

    Cannot drop the procedure 'dbo.sp_i_note' because it is being used for


    The publisher and subscription server no longer exist.





  • do you have the latest sp installed?

    did you try to do a subscription and publisher clean up?


  • how are you trying to drop the SP?

    try dropping it through QA,

    Life is far too important to be taken seriously

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