MS SQL 2000 - How do I track a user who deleted SQL DB objects?

  • Hello All,

    Newbie here, Just wondering is there a way to track down what logged in user (mixed mode) who deleted a stored procedure? We have several developers with rights that will allow this but no one wants to admit to the mistake. Is there a log I am overlooking that records actions to database objects? Will enabling C2 auditing capture these actions?

    Any assistance would be appreciated.


  • We use Idera's Compliance Manager for this

    Funny story. Lead Developer came storming down because 3 of his stored procedures were missing. We had recently refreshed the testing area from production, and they were in production, so they should be in the test area. I considered re-restoring the production backup to make sure they were there at the time of the restore. But first, I check the Compliance Manager logs in the test area, and found HE HAD DELETED them !!! D'OH !!

    "Oh, I guess I must have done it by mistake somehow ..."

  • Hi homebrew01,

    Is there any overhead on SQL Server when using the Idera tool.


  • I suppose there must be some, but they claim it's very minimal. It seems worth the benefit, and we haven't noticed any problems. It has lots of setting so you can customize what is monitored, and if you want alerts or not.

  • Hi,

    Thanks I will download the trial and try it.

    Thanks again.

  • Thankyou for your information and assistance.

  • We use Compliance Managere and it uses a server side trace which is very light weight. It is very rare that it will hit 2% of CPU in Task Manager.


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