MS. Access to SQL Server 2000

  • welp, if you've got that much work, then hire me as a consultant - cuz i hate my job...!

    have a beautiful day!

  • Another thought...

    Most of the comments have suggested that moving the data will be the easy part and that recreating the queries and code will be where to work comes in. While it is very easy to recreate Access tables in SQL and move the data, this is also where (if you look closely) you will find that Access tables and table relationships are often poorly structured. Wizards do a good job of recreating tables, but you can probably do better. If you have to upgrade an app ASAP, by all means, just push the data up and move on. If you have ANY more time available, spend some time recreating the tables on the SQL side by hand while closely questioning table structure, key fields, data types and indexing during the build process. This will take much longer, but will give you more reliable, faster executing, and more scalable results.

    Another stone or two on the side of the scale that is labled "do a complete rewrite"

    Good Luck


  • Good morning,

    I suggest you to use Access XP upsizing wizard to move Tables , Relationships and DATA ... it is very powerful ..

    note: Access 2000 upsizing wizard don't move All relationship correctly to SQL server..

    then make these table linked in your access MDB... and check all forms and reports on it .. if ok .. then no problem .. if there is a problem in form try to solve it.

    hope this help u.

    Alamir Mohamed

    Alamir Mohamed

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