MS Access - Linking Tables to ODBC not working

  • Using MS Access 2003, fresh install, new database etc etc,

    When I choose File -> Get External Data -> Link Tables and then select ODBC Databases from the resulting File Open Dialog, nothing happens. Control immediately returns to MS Access just as if I had clicked the Cancel button on the Dialog

    Any ideas???



  • Issue Resolved

    I spoke to Microsoft Tech Support about this one - it is a problem with the Norton Anti Virus add-in for MS Office - turn off the addin and Access works just as it is supposed to.

    It is vaguely referred to in KB Article 295824 but that article references a different set of symptoms caused by the same addin.

    THe techo I spoke to said that he would flag the article for rewriting.

  • subform in ms access having data from linked table to sybase, gives odbc data in of type text.


    Kindly throw some light.


    Thanks in advance.

    Karira, S.

  • Karira,

    Can you give us some details of what the error that you are getting is? Can you see the data if you just open the linked table as a datasheet?



  • David,

    My project earlier used the Linked tables from Sybase 11, that worked fine.Data can be seen in the datasheet of linked tables.

    Now we wish to use Sybase 12.5, it gives error that ODBC call failed.Data can be seen in the datasheet of linked tables.


    Kindly help.Thanks in advance.

    S, Karira.


  • Sorry, Karira.

    I know nothing about Sybase at all. My first outings were with SQL Server 6.5, after Microsoft and Sybase had parted company. If I understand you correctly, what you are saying is that when you upgraded your backend from Sybase 11 to Sybase 12, the link to certain data stopped wroking. I would suggest that you need to post this question on a Sybase forum rather than a SQL Server one.

    Sorry I can't be mor ehelp.



  • Do you want to link Access table to the sql server table. Not sure what you mean.

    If so then in your MS ACCESS. click on tables, right click link tables.

    On the drop down box . files of type click ODBC databases. right at the bottom.

    Click new dsn name. give it a name .eg Test.

    Then in create new data source select sql and save .

    Then select the tables you want and OK.

    The SQL server table now links with the Access table. So any changes made to access will change on SQL Server table.


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