MS Access 2003 connection to SQL Server 2005 on Windows 2003 64-bit Server

  • We are having a performance issue 32-bit Client with MS Access reports and ADODB connection with provider as "SQLOLEDB.1" connecting to SQL Server 2005 on Windows 2003 64-bit Server.

    It was working well on 32-bit Window2000 and SQL Server 2000. We have migrated to new hardward and software. But we still running on SQL Server 2000 mode on the new server. I verified all drivers are lasted on Server and Client, some client are running well and some are not. I tried Named Pipes protocol which is better than the default TCP/IP. But unable to get to the bottom of the problem which is causing the performance.

    Any suggestion is greatly appreciated.

  • Actually TCP/IP is always faster for us and when we switch from Named Pipes to TCP/IP it usually solves the performance issue.

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