Moving System Database mdf and ldf file locations

  • I am doing a new - named instance - install on a new Server and I'm having a hard time getting my brain around how to set up the data and log file locations how I want them.   I know how to change the default locations for data and log files once the Instance is up and running, but when I do the install, it puts the mdf and ldf files for all of the System Databases in a folder called mssql$instancename on the drive I am specifying.   

    What I want to end up with is a folder for each of the database (ie, master, model, msdb, tempdb, userdb1, userdb2, etc...)  on two different drives and house the data and log files seperately.

    Can I do this at install time or do I need to move the system database files around after install.    If so, can someone outline the steps for doing this????

  • janice

    I am not sure but I think there is nothing you can do at the moment of the installation. System databases are going to be in that folder but after that you can  move the location for temp database.

    What we do everytime we create a new database is the following

    1- We have our backups in a NAS server, so we have to create the folder in that server


    exec xp_cmdshell 'md \\Itfectp07\sqlbk$\HQTD01\ITSeTrust'

    exec xp_cmdshell 'md \\Itfectp07\sqlbk$\HQTD01\ITSeTrust\DATA'

    exec xp_cmdshell 'md \\Itfectp07\sqlbk$\HQTD01\ITSeTrust\LOG'


    2- Then we create the folder for that database , of course different drives, but we defined a folder SQLDB for data in drive G and SQLDB for log in drive L

    exec xp_cmdshell 'md G:\SQLDB\ITSeTrust\DATA'

    exec xp_cmdshell 'md L:\SQLDB\ITSeTrust\LOG'

    3- Then we create the database




     (NAME = 'ITSeTrust_DAT_1'


     ,SIZE = 20MB

     ,FILEGROWTH =5)

    LOG ON

     (NAME = 'ITSeTrust_LOG_1'


     ,SIZE = 5MB)


    Does that helps?


  • Yes, thank you!   It all helps!  and the Checklist for moving system databases is awesome.

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