Moving Snapshot files

  • Hi,


    I am working on transactional replication and I have come across a problem. What I wanted to do is I want to copy the snapshot files from Publisher to Subscriber instead of applying the initial snapshot. I did not find proper documentation on how to move the snapshot files, the documentation says to run the snapshot on the publisher and move the files to Subscriber but no documentation on where to move(which folder etc) on the subscriber how to apply that snapshot on the Subscriber. Any input is appriciated.



  • Hi are you replicating between 2 boxes, ie is the distribution database on the publisher ( you do not use a central distributor ). Also you can specify where to place your snapshot files. You may need to put a UNC path in front of the folder destination etc. Derek

  • Thanks Derek for the reply,

    Yes we have both the Distributor and the Publisher on the same box. Can you please eleborate the UNC path, how it should be done on the Publiisher and on the Subscriber. Also can you through some light on how the Databases get Synced on the Subscriber after moving the Snapshot files to the Subscriber Box.



  • In Enterprise Manager, select Properties for the publication, then Snapshot Location tab. Uncheck "Default location" and enter your preferred snapshot location in the box below.

  • Apologies in late reponse. Homebrew01 has answered the question on how to specifiy the UNC path. Our snapshot folder is on a different server (Distributor) than the publisher and we specific the UNC path as instructed by Homebrew02, ie \\gtlidist02c\z$\SQLData\MSSQL\REPLDATA\

    Regarding databases getting synced on the subscriber, essentially the Snapshot Agent applies the snapshot to the MSrepl_commands table in the Distribution database and the Distribution Agent picks up the commands from there and applies them to the subscriber. The Log Reader Agent reads the transaction log on the publisher and again post them to the Distribution database where once again the Distribution Agent applies them to the subscriber. In an earlier topic thread I recommended SQL Server 2000 Transactional and Snapshot Replication by Hilary Cotter. An excellent book and you should really consider buying a copy. Rgds Derek

  • Thanks Derek for your response. I tried the UNC path but for some reason the subscriber was not able to connect to the publisher. It tried to reconnect but ulimately failed. What kind of permissions do we have to give and to which account?

    I gave read and write permissions to everyone to the alternate location where I did my Publisher snapshot and also shared the folder to everyone.

    May be I am missing something I think.



  • Hi Mkumari, first of all have you set up a Linked Server between the Publisher and Subscriber. Also using query analyser, can you connect to the subscriber and query any table back on the publisher ? Am I just try to established if SQL Server can talk to SQL Server between the boxes. Rgds Derek

  • Hi Mkumari, I was wondering have you made any progess connecting between publisher and subscriber. Thanks Derek

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