November 4, 2011 at 9:22 am
Hi, After much drama starting the move process I have now moved all the databases off some storage to new shiney storage
If i use
Select name, physical_name from sys.master_files
I can see 2 catalogs left on the old storage.
Any one know how to move it? Not having much luck looking online.
November 7, 2011 at 10:59 am
BOL "Moving database files" states that full-text catalog can be moved using Alter Database statement
November 7, 2011 at 12:18 pm
Sorry I was meant to update, Yes I event saw the forest though the trees and read that article.
If you use:
Select name, physical_name from sys.master_files
It shows some files called "sysft_ftCatalog" Those are ones i needed to move and the last files that showed up on the old storage
Alter database MY_DB modify file (name=sysft_ftCatalog,filename='Z:\FTDATA\MY_DB\')
This worked for 1 of the catalogs.
But on another catalog the move worked but when i tried to do backups on the db. I would get a message saying the catalog was off line. I tried a rebuild but after leaving it for over 24 hours it still hadnt completed. I ended up just copying the the details of the catalog and deleting the old one, making a new one.
Im guessing this is ok? Not had any complaints so far but its not a massibly used db.
Thanks for the reply
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