moving dts to ssis...

  • i'm trying to convert dts packages to ssis, and getting an advisory

    alert from the 'upgrade advisor' about "rewrite activex script code that acesses the

    dts object model after package migration"

    then a further description suggess this:

    The SQL Server 2005 Integration Servicews (SSIS) Package Migration Wizard does not migrate

    ActiveX Script code that accesses the DTS object model via the Parent Property of the

    GlobalVariables collection in SQL Server 2000 DTS Packages. After migration, you must

    manually edit the resulting SSIS package to restore former package behavior.

    this is all well and good, but which parts of the package need to be edited?? i can

    see the layout from BIDS (Business Intelligence Development Studio) with some boxes

    with a little red (X) symbol in it. Just by looking at it... is there a way i can

    determine what needs to be fixed from there?

    thanks in advance.


  • You can either look for the red X, or double-click on the error in the errors / warnings list.

    I am sorry to say that if you have a lot of these, you will be very disappointed in the DTS -> SSIS upgrade process.  It will simply not help you much in this area.


  • pretty much anything that is an ActiveX task will be a problem.  Like Michael said, the DTS to SSIS migration won't be of much use.  It really only works well for simiple transforms, not anything that involved custom code.  The best course is usualy to map out and document what the existing DTS does, and then recreate that functionality from scratch in SSIS using the new tools. 

    If this proves to be too much of a hassle, remember that SQL Server 2005 will run DTS packages.  However, I believe SQL Server 2008 has completely removed the ability and I've heard that SSIS will no longer support the ActiveX component.


    Good Luck!


  • wait a minute... 2008 does not support that feature any longer?

    oh no! that was my diamond in the rough.

    so even if i install the dts designer, and runtime environment it wouldn't

    matter cause it's no longer supported?

    thats terrible. i don't know any thing about ssis, and there is a

    serious lack of comprehensive tutorials out there. (visual tutorials),

    which outline the gui etc.



  • well..before I start a revolt.  Those were things I heard from someone you is very plugged in to Microsoft and gets to see the early ideas.  The final result may be much different.  I have a feeling that there will be such a cry for DTS to still work, that Microsoft will provide a way of using it.  We'll just have to wait and see.

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