Moving DB to another instance on the same server

  • Hello everyone,


    My company is in the process of an application rewrite.  For the systems that have already been completed, there is a database (SQL 2k) that contains the live data.  As time goes on, we are converting each system one at a time and the number of people using the legacy system is decreasing.  There is a mirroring application that copies the legacy data into the SQL tables in a different database (mirror), it also copies the live data down to the legacy tables in order to keep the 2 systems in sync.  This application runs numerous stored procedures to determine which records need to be mirrored, the problem is that it runs so often that it is doesn't let other stored procs remain in the procedure cache for very long.


    In order to try to remedy this situation, I wanted to put this mirroring database on another instance and restrict the amount of memory it uses.  Some of the live stored procs reference data in these mirrored tables, so I have to prefix the mirrored tables used with the server\instance name.


    Before doing this, I wanted to check for any kind of performance degradation so I restored a backup of the mirrored database to the new instance.  Then, I created some stored procs equivalent to ones in the live database that reference the new instance.  I did some timings on them and the procs I just created are considerably slower.


    I'm afraid that if I can't get the duration times to be the same (or very close), I will have to scrap this project.


    Does anyone have any suggestions of what I could try?





  • Is there any way that you can increase the amount of memory allocated to the new instance? You could be coming up against a bottleneck there.

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog

  • It has 2GB allocated to it and there isn't anything else using the new instance either.  I bumped it up to 4GB and it didn't seem to help.


  • Are you running any perf counters that are showing disk queuing or cpu spikes?

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog

  • I am not running any performance counters, but I have task manager open so I can see when the CPU spikes.

    I am mostly wanting to do this so that the mirrored database will have its own procedure cache, which will let the live database keep stored procs in cache longer.


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