Moving Databases to New server

  • Hi ,

    We are moving some specific databases from an existing server to a new installed server. I am thinking of doing it through detach and attach method. What do you guys suggest ?

    Is Backup & Restore better or Can I go this way ? If so, can you suggest a check list of doing it .

    And do we have to move the sys databases??

    And we have indexes on a different drive ...So, do we just right away copy the indexes to the new server and rename the path before attaching it ??



  • If you create the same drives on the new server or attach same drives to new server, when you detach and attach it should all sync up. I would rather use detach and attach than b/u and restore to get the most recent data, just make sure you run in parallel or disable use of the old server in the meantime.

    I would export all the security, rules, defaults, dts packages, to the new server before attaching the databases. A program called DTSBackup 2000 makes the dts move easy, there should be a download somewhere online.

    Hope this helps.

    ¤ §unshine ¤

  • Logins might be the big thing to move. sp_help_revlogin (search this site) can script out the logins so you can recreate them with the same passwords.

    Script everything else out and recompile it on the new server (alerts, DTS, etc.)

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