Moving Databases from one physical Server to another

  • I have a couple of databases I plan to relocate to a new Server.

    My options as of this time are ..

    1)Backing up and restoring the master database and the other databases.

    BACKUP DATABASE master TO DISK='c:\master.bak'(Copy to new server)

    Restore  DATABASE master from  DISK='c:\master.bak'(with overwrite)

    and do same thing for the other databases.

    2)sp_detach sp_attach


    Has anyone done this before?

    Any method prefered over the others?

    Any pitfalls to watch for?

    Will appreciate your input on this


  • - SQL2000 ?  (sql7 has more pitfalls)

    - If you only want to move user-db, you might consider to use the copy-database-wizard. This will have unavailability of the db at the original server.

    - you can also perform a workaround with creating a "workdb", granting all users that have permissions to you user-db public richts to your workdb.

    Then copy-database-wizard your userdb with "copy only users from selected db", after it has compleded, restore a backup from your user-db-to-be-migrated. This way you don't have to struggle with master-db.

    - msdb-recovery for jobs / DTS-packages ? Depends on the NĀ° of jobs/packages.



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  • If it was a user-db, I would normally use the following syntax running from QA. This does not require the db to be offline which is a plus.

    --Replace the folder locations to suit your environment



    MOVE 'LiveDatabase_Data' TO 'D:\MSSQL7\Data\TestDatabase_Data.MDF',

    MOVE 'LiveDatabase_Log' TO 'D:\MSSQL7\Data\TestDatabase_Log.LDF'

    You have quite a few options. Good luck


  • correct, but what about sqluser-id's and their password ?

    Windows-ids can be relinked with this script

    SELECT 'if not exists (select * from master.dbo.syslogins where loginname = N''NtDomain**\'  + + ''')'

     + char(13) +  '   begin '

     + char(13) +  ' exec sp_grantlogin N''NtDomain**\'  + + ''''

     + char(13) +  ' exec sp_defaultdb N''NtDomain**\' + + + ''', N'''+ db_name() + ''''

     + char(13) +  '   end'

    FROM sysusers su

    left join  master.dbo.sysxlogins msu

     on upper( = upper(

    WHERE su.sid > 0x00



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