Moving Away From MySQL

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Moving Away From MySQL

  • As much as I prefer SQL Server, if I were in a situation that used a different database system, I'd do what's necessary to learn it and make it work for me.



  • "Would you learn MySQL for a new job? Or are you a die-hard, this is my platform kind of person?"

    I think we would all learn whatever we needed to for a new job. I learned SQL initially via using the Mainframe version of DB2. The next job after that required me to become fluent with SQL Server, Oracle, DB2 that ran on OS/2 (Yep, I'm that old), Informix, Sybase and probably one or two others that I don't remember. Oh, and some BTRIEVE too, which isn't a true RDBMS, but always fun to reference. My current position has required me to become much better with SQL Server, but at times I had to work on skills for Oracle, too. Oh, and on Netezza systems - that was, umm, exciting.

    I realize the answer is somewhat off topic, since Steve's talking about MySQL (which I've never messed with). But his question I quoted above is to me an interesting point of discussion.

  • Btreieve, wow, I remember that on Novell. Not a fan.

  • I worked on a project where we experimented with MySQL to see if it could do what we were already doing with SQL Server.  We engaged with MySQL Ag to help run the experiment.

    They were great to work with and were brutally honest about what MySQL was and was not intended to do.  In our case MySQL would have been fine for all workloads but those of our top 5 lines of business, but then you'd have the pain of managing 2 DB systems.

    Bear in mind that this was a few years back.  We found that when MySQL started to come under stress (as in dealing with the workload of the top 5 lines of business) then it didn't degrade gracefully it just jammed up completely.  We took a much lower powered SQL Server VM up to many multiples of peak load before it started to degrade and it did so very gradually.

    We were also nervous about weaknesses around encryption, backup strategies and various other things that you don't have to worry about so much at low scale.

    Put it this way.   If you had to do a road trip coast to coast across the USA you'd want something akin to a Jaguar and not a tiny city hatchback.

  • I use MySQL for web sites because it is free, open source and the chosen standard to work with php and wordpress and is fine for small stuff such as the clubs I run websites for, but I would always chose SQL Server if developing something new without restrictions.

    In my professional capacity, I pull data from a MySQL database hosted on AWS. It seems to work OK, though there are several quirks, particularly with dates and the biggest hassle is requiring a fixed IP address to connect to it. I think the newer versions of MySQL have brought in some improvements but I have never had to do "proper" DBA work maintaining it or put it under serious load.

    I have also used SQLite where the update queries are a real pain if more than one table is involved and I pull data from Oracle which I just irrationally dislike. SQL Server is definitly my preferred database.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by  P Jones.

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