Moving a SQL 7 database to a 2000 server

  • Hi all,

    I have one database on a SQL Server 7 server, which replicates to another version 7 server.  I need to move the database to a SQL Server 2000 server.  I do not want to upgrade the SQL7 servers as there are other things on there that need to stay, so I just need to know how to get that one database onto version 2000 with everything still working and intact.  Can I use the copy database wizard?  Will the replication affect it - do I just remove replication before I start?  Is there anything else I need to do?  BOL mentions 'a regular upgrade' but does not explain what this is!

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Many thanks,


  • Hi,

    I have now tried to use the copy database wizard to move the database (I have done this on a test server which does not have replication, to keep it simple).  However, I get an error - it will not move the database as it thinks there is an active connection on it.  There is no active connection anywhere, I am the only person on the server.  Does anyone know if this wizard is particularly flaky?  Is there anything else I can use?

    Please help!



  • When I upgraded from 7 to 2000, I detached the 7 database, copied it to the 2000 machine and re-attached it.  With the replication, it might not let you detach it.

    You could try taking a full backup of the 7 database and restore it to 2000.


  • Thanks for this.  Apparently there can be problems with detaching and re-attaching, but in the end I used the Import wizard and made sure I specified all indexes etc so that I got the whole structure.  This tool apparently does all the upgrading as it runs through, and it seems to have worked ok.  Unless I find problems in the next few days.  Strange that the BOL recommended way does not work though (Copy Database Wizard).

    Thanks again.


  • If you detach and reattach from 7 to 2000, remember to reindex also probably need to update statistics as well.

    Facts are stubborn things, but statistics are more pliable - Mark Twain

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