move temp db to another drive after installtion

  • No, you can't add filegroups to tempdb.


  • This topic was discussed a few times at PASS, and the people who author SQL Server and the most experienced people in the user community are clearly saying you can help protect SQL Server performance by adding one file to tempdb for every processor core, or maybe every 1.5 processor cores, up to a maximum of 8 files.

    If you have a server with a large number of processor cores, a situation we will all get over the next few years, having one tempdb file for every processor core can cause SQL to spend a measureable amount of time working out where to put new tempdb objects. Further, having more than about 8 tempdb files does not give any measureable performance benefit.

    So, it seems that best practice is moving to 'have one tempdb file for about every 1.5 processor cores, up to a maximum of about 8 files'. All the files should be the same size and allow zero growth.

    You should treat best practice as something you should normally do, unless there are circumstances at your site that render the advice invalid. Likewise, poor practice advise is something you should avoid unless circumstances mean it is useful.

    Original author: 1-click install and best practice configuration of SQL Server 2019, 2017 2016, 2014, 2012, 2008 R2, 2008 and 2005.

    When I give food to the poor they call me a saint. When I ask why they are poor they call me a communist - Archbishop Hélder Câmara

  • EdVassie (12/1/2008)

    This topic was discussed a few times at PASS, and the people who author SQL Server and the most experienced people in the user community are clearly saying you can help protect SQL Server performance by adding one file to tempdb for every processor core, or maybe every 1.5 processor cores, up to a maximum of 8 files.

    If you have a server with a large number of processor cores, a situation we will all get over the next few years, having one tempdb file for every processor core can cause SQL to spend a measureable amount of time working out where to put new tempdb objects. Further, having more than about 8 tempdb files does not give any measureable performance benefit.

    So, it seems that best practice is moving to 'have one tempdb file for about every 1.5 processor cores, up to a maximum of about 8 files'. All the files should be the same size and allow zero growth.

    You should treat best practice as something you should normally do, unless there are circumstances at your site that render the advice invalid. Likewise, poor practice advise is something you should avoid unless circumstances mean it is useful.

    Thank you for the info.

    Is the figure of 8 related to this max degree of parallisme guideline (max =8) ?

    Print 'Double check drives !';


    help protect SQL Server performance by adding one file to tempdb for every processor core,

    or maybe every 1.5 processor cores,

    up to a maximum of 8 files.

    - "Concurrency enhancements for the tempdb database" (shorter story)

    - Working with tempdb in SQL Server 2005", paragraph "tempdb size, including the right number of files and file size",

    - related to max_degree_of_parallelism ? (only if needed)


    USE [master]


    Declare @HotrunYN char(1)

    Set @HotrunYN = 'N' -- If @HotrunYN = 'Y' then exec else print end !

    Declare @DefaultFileSizeMB int, @DefaultFileGrowthMB int

    Select @DefaultFileSizeMB = 50

    , @DefaultFileGrowthMB = 50

    Declare @NumberOfCPUCores int -- Number of CPU-cores available for SQLServer

    create table #CPUCores(ID int, Name sysname, Internal_Value int, Value nvarchar(512))

    set nocount on

    insert #CPUCores

    exec master.dbo.xp_msver

    SELECT @NumberOfCPUCores = isnull(( select Internal_Value

    from #CPUCores

    where Name = N'ProcessorCount'


    drop table #CPUCores


    If @NumberOfCPUCores < 1


    /* send errormessage and stop connection !!*/

    Raiserror ('DBA message: Invalid Number of CPU-cores : [%d]', 20, 1, @NumberOfCPUCores) with log



    This topic was discussed a few times at SQLPASS2008, and the people who author SQL Server and the most

    experienced people in the user community are clearly saying you can help protect SQL Server

    performance by adding one file to tempdb for every processor core, or maybe every 1.5 processor cores,

    up to a maximum of 8 files.

    If you have a server with a large number of processor cores, a situation we will all get over

    the next few years, having one tempdb file for every processor core can cause SQL to spend a

    measureable amount of time working out where to put new tempdb objects.

    Further, having more than about 8 tempdb files does not give any measureable performance benefit.

    So, it seems that best practice is moving to 'have one tempdb file for about every 1.5 processor cores,

    up to a maximum of about 8 files'. All the files should be the same size and allow zero growth.

    You should treat best practice as something you should normally do, unless there are circumstances at

    your site that render the advice invalid.

    Likewise, poor practice advise is something you should avoid unless circumstances mean it is useful.


    print '/* Number of CPUCores available for SQLServer: ' + cast(@NumberOfCPUCores as varchar(3)) + ' */'

    If @NumberOfCPUCores > 8


    set @NumberOfCPUCores = 8


    Declare @tempdbpath varchar(1000)

    Declare @filesizeKB int

    Select @tempdbpath = [filename]

    from tempdb.sys.sysfiles

    where name = 'tempdev'

    Select @tempdbpath = reverse(substring(reverse(@tempdbpath),charindex('\',reverse(@tempdbpath)),datalength(@tempdbpath)))

    print '/* tempdb path: ' + @tempdbpath + ' */'

    Declare @SQLstmt varchar(max)

    Declare @ctr int

    Select @SQLstmt =''

    , @ctr = 2

    While @ctr <= @NumberOfCPUCores


    Select @SQLstmt = @SQLstmt

    -- all files same Size !!

    + case @SQLstmt when '' then 'ALTER DATABASE [tempdb] MODIFY FILE ( NAME = N''tempdev'', SIZE = '+ cast(@DefaultFileSizeMB as varchar(15)) + 'MB, FILEGROWTH = ' + cast(@DefaultFileGrowthMB as varchar(15)) + 'MB ); '

    else ''


    + 'ALTER DATABASE [tempdb] ADD FILE ( NAME = N''tempdev' + cast( @ctr as char(1)) + ''', FILENAME = N''' + @tempdbpath + 'tempdev' + cast( @ctr as char(1)) + '.ndf'', SIZE = '+ cast(@DefaultFileSizeMB as varchar(15)) + 'MB, FILEGROWTH = ' + cast(@DefaultFileGrowthMB as varchar(15)) + 'MB );'

    Set @ctr = @ctr + 1


    If @HotrunYN = 'Y'


    exec (@SQLstmt)




    print '/* ' + char(10) + ' NOT EXECUTED ' + char(10) + ' */'

    print @SQLstmt




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  • The figure of 8 tempdb files was not linked to and given value of MAXDOP. It was presented as the results of testing on large servers (32 and 64 processor cores).

    Original author: 1-click install and best practice configuration of SQL Server 2019, 2017 2016, 2014, 2012, 2008 R2, 2008 and 2005.

    When I give food to the poor they call me a saint. When I ask why they are poor they call me a communist - Archbishop Hélder Câmara

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