Move databases between SQL 7 and SQL2000

  • Hi friends...

    I am moving a lot of databases from SQL7 SP4 To sql2000 SP4. I created a script to do this (with detaching, copying and attaching againt, transfering passwords, logins and so on) but i have a problem with the database maintenance plans. I tried exporting the jobs but is not same, so exist a possiblity to 'export' all the whole plans?

    Thanks for the information.

  • AFAIK there is no option to move the maintenance plan from one server to another.


  • Why cant you restore the MSDB database on SQL 2000 and see whether it works.  For detach and attaching MSDB database, you will need to go with seperate process like adding a Trace parameter in SQL Server Starup Parameters.  If you move any maintainance job to other server, it wont works, especially the optmization jobs.  You will get an error "SQLMAINT.EXE" failed. So drop those and re create freshly thru DB Maintanance wizards. 



  • Thanks for reply. Now, any advice for after moving the databases? I mean, re-run statistics, re-rebuild indexes, ect?

    Thanks again...

  • Yes, you need to check current server confiugration setting by using sp_configure and apply any changes to new server and then better you re-build indexes and then update statistics.  Also you need to fix permissions (Orphan users).



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