Move Databases between different Servers

  • Hi, I need to move some databases from one server to another new server.

    I know that exists some differents ways to do this, using DTS or running sp_help_revlogin and  sp_hexadecimal.

    If I'm not wrong it moves all users running on source server to target server, my question is if exists a way to only move users and passwords from each database to move and not all of users in my source server.


    Thanks for any help.


  • if you can take the database offline, then detach it, copy the .mdf (and .ldf if you want to keep the log) to the new server's data folder, and then attach.

  • If I understand correctly, you want to transfer users of a database with corresponding passwords. Passwords are stored with the login. The Transfer Logins task in DTS can be used and it lets you select which database(s) on the source to transfer.


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