July 26, 2004 at 6:37 am
I need to take DTS_companies (database DTS) and Update MAXSYR_companies (database MAXSYR) where records in DTS)companies are not in MAXSYR_COMPANIES.
I know how to make the connections to the 2 databases, but not how to move the data I want using a Transform Data Task. Should I be using an AxtivX script? I would appreciate any help.
July 26, 2004 at 7:02 am
There is no need to use an activex task unless you want to enrich or change the data you are copying in.
Just write your query inside a Transform Data Task between the 2 connections.
Example, 'Select columns... from DTS_companies where not exists (select * from
Then you can match the columns up on the transform tab.
July 26, 2004 at 1:15 pm
Thanks for your reply.
I wrote the query on the Source page of the Transform data task and this returns an error of
ADO error: Invalid Object Name MAXSYR_COMAPNIES
Statement(s) could not be prepared
Deferred prepare could not be completed
The source is DTS_COMPANIES
the target is MAXSYR_COMPANIES
did I write the query on the proper tab of the Transform Data Task?
July 26, 2004 at 2:42 pm
The Source tab is the correct place to write the query. Try qualifying the table names with the database and owner like this: database.owner.table.
You didn't say so, but I'm assuming the databases are on the same server. If they're on two different servers, you'll have to qualify the table names with the server name, also.
July 27, 2004 at 6:49 am
Thanks for your reply. Yes the databases are on the same server. I tried your solution. This statement parses but shows nothing in the preview of the query.
It executes without error, but no data is loaded.
SELECT company, type, name, address1, address2, address3, address4, contact, phone, fob, freightterms, shipvia, paymentterms, customernum, co1, co2,
co3, co4, co5, co6, co7, co8, co9, co10, ldkey, fax, co11, co12, co13, changeby, changedate, inclusive1, inclusive2, inclusive3, tax1code, tax2code,
tax3code, currencycode, location, registration1, registration2, registration3, apcontrolacc, apsuspenseacc, rbniacc, payvendor, bankaccount,
inclusive4, inclusive5, registration4, registration5, tax4code, tax5code, disabled, remitaddress1, remitaddress2, remitaddress3, remitaddress4,
remitcontact, payonreceipt, homepage, banknum, dunsnum, taxexemptcode, taxexemptnum, ecommerceenabled, mnetcompanyid, co14, co15, co16,
co17, co18, sourcesysid, ownersysid, externalrefid, apiseq, interid, migchangeid, sendersysid, autoreceiveonasn, vendorsendsasn, vendorsendsinv,
ecominterface, mnetecomnum1, mnetecomnum2, mnetecomnum3, mnetecomnum4, vendorsendsstatus, autoapproveinv, autosendpocancel, orgid,
defaultwarehouse, parentcompany, useparentremitto, address5, remitaddress5, catalogname, punchoutenabled
FROM DTS_companies
FROM MAXSYR.dbo.companies))
July 27, 2004 at 10:40 am
Sorry I didn't elaborate. Your query needs to check for the existence of a match between the two tables. The WHERE clause should look like this:
FROM DTS.companies d
WHERE m.company = d.company
and m.type = d.type
and m.name = d.name)
**use whatever columns make up the primary key**
July 27, 2004 at 5:17 pm
Also, for efficiencies sake, you should specify a column in the SELECT statement.
WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT [your id fields] FROM MAXSYR etc...)
This will prevent the query from spooling up the entire record just to check for existence.
Colt 45 - the original point and click interface
July 30, 2004 at 12:20 pm
Thanks for all your help. I've written several packages using this statement. Just what I needed.
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